Chapter 14

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Molly wanted to let the drive from the school to home last forever. She thought just possibly that the drive could help her escape her problems, however deep down she knew better. She knew she couldn't run. At this point, she had no where to hide. The only people she could run to, were her parents. Lord only knew what her parents were going to think of her.

Jason led her inside the house trying to comfort her and be there for her as much as possible but he knew he could only do so much.

"Jason, is that you?" they heard their mother call out.

"Yeah Ma," he replied before entering the living room where he saw his mother walking in from the other side of the room. She must have been in her office. "Molly's with me too."

"Molly?" she questioned. "What are you doing here? You're supposed to be at cheer."

"Um...I-I" Molly stuttered before she was saved by her brother.

"We need to talk to you and dad together," Jason said rather bluntly.

"Why? What's wrong?" the mother immediately fired.

"What's going on?" the father walked into the room, his eyebrows furrowed and eyes wide.

"We need to talk," Molly managed to get out.

"Sit down," Carrie guided everyone over to the couch. "Explain."

"Ashton and I had sex," the daughter blurted out.

"You what?!" Carrie's eyes widened.

"What the hell, Molly!" Mike immediately yelled.

"Dad, I'm sor-" she cried before getting cut off by her father.

"Yeah, I bet you are," he said infuriated standing up off of the couch walking out of the living room. "I can't handle this right now."

Jason never thought he would see his little sister give him such a vulnerable look. Her heart was shattered. Her own father couldn't bare to look at her, and she was falling apart at the seams. She turned over to her mother, her rock. However, her face was just as disappointed. It wasn't furious like Mike was. It was hurt and sad, and felt like this was her fault.

"Mom-" Molly spoke but was again interrupted.

"You're pregnant, aren't you," her mother acted as if she already knew.

Molly shrugged. "I don't know yet. Mama, I don't know what to do."

"We'll deal with this later," Carrie sighed, wanting to ignore the number one place she did not want to see her kids in at such a young age. "I have to go pick up some of the kids."

As soon as Carrie was out the door, Molly turned into an entirely different mess than before. All she had at that point was her brother, and he held her until she couldn't cry anymore, until the feeling was almost numb.

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