Chapter 18

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Two weeks later

"I'm heading out," Carrie announced through the house.

"Wait, hold on," Mike quickly made his way to the back door where Carrie stood. "Where are you going?"

"I have this dinner meeting thing at the label," she lied.

This had been going on for the last few weeks now and something had totally changed in Carrie's personality. She was totally dead inside. She didn't like being around the kids, she showed no affection towards Mike, and she just seemed off. She was going out three or four times a week and it got to the point where Mike was suspicious especially where she would't get home until the next morning or late at night. He couldn't help but ask his friends about it and it finally got to the point where he asked her manager.

"Carrie, I know you've been lying to me," he finally admitted. "You weren't with Erin last night and Ann said you don't have any meeting or anything tonight."

"Since when did you decide to butt in on my personal life?" she tried to argue.

"What's going on?" he questioned back.

"You wouldn't-"

"Are you cheating on me?" he couldn't help but ask.

"Mike," she sighed. The look in her eyes after that question almost told it all, but there was so much more behind the story that Mike didn't understand. In that moment, he had lost all feeling in his body. If there was one thing that he thought was always so strong it was their marriage. He had no idea it had come to this and he had no idea how it did.

"Oh my God," is all he could get out in the moment.

"Mike, you don't understa-"

"What more is there to understand?!" he yelled. "Just go."

Mike searched for any kind of sign other than hurt in her eyes but he couldn't find anything. They were still dead. It was as if she had lost all compassion for the man she loved and had created an entire family with. She left that night unwillingly again. She was so disgusted with herself, but there was so much more to the story that any of them knew. It had haunted her for most of her life and Mike never had a clue. She left without him knowing the truth. She would rather have him think she cheated other than what really happened.

"Dad," Molly got her father's attention.

"Yeah, what's up," he tried to shake off what just happened.

"Mom is cheating on you?" she questioned if she heard right from her parents' private conversation that she overheard. The tears were already building up in her eyes.

He didn't know what to do in that moment. He couldn't admit the truth to himself yet let alone his daughter. When he didn't say anything, she ran into his arms and cried, unsure of what was to come out of this. She could never imagine her parents being with other people. It completely crushed her. Neither of them knew what was going to come out of this but Mike knew it probably wasn't going to be good.

"Hey, why don't you go upstairs for a little bit while I make some calls. It's going to be okay, princess. I promise," he tried to assure her.

Molly pulled away from her father while nodding and heading upstairs. She closed her bedroom door and immediately planted herself on her bed where she began to sob. She never wanted to overhear a conversation like that. She thought their family was so perfect and put together. Little did she know it was far from that. She was sick of herself for looking up to a person like her mom.

As she calmed down, for some reason she found herself scrolling through Twitter. She never really liked to search her mom but she needed to know more about this situation and she was sure her fan base knew something. She scrolled through the most recent tweets about her, none of them really giving anything until she ran across a picture of her at a bar sitting next to some creepy guy. The tweet had no likes, retweets, or comments yet, but Molly noticed that the guy was slipping something into her mom's drink.

Unsure of what to do, Molly quickly got up to leave her room and immediately let herself into Jason's room. "Can't you knock first?"

"This is an emergency," she told him. He sat up in his bed waiting for her to say something. "I overheard a conversation between Mom and Dad and is turns out that Mom is cheating on him."

"No, are you serious?" he asked.

"I think there's more to it though," she replied pulling out her phone to show him the picture. "I wanted to know who it was so I did some research and this was posted like five minutes ago at some bar downtown."

"Is that guy getting Mom roofied?" he questioned, completely uncomfortable with the situation.

"I don't know. It looks like it," she shrugged.

"I'm gonna go check it out," Jason started to get out of bed, getting ready quickly.

"I'm going with you," she said.

The two of them managed to sneak out of the house without their Dad noticing and drove their way downtown. Both of them were so scared of what was happening to their mom. They never thought in a million years that she would even thank about cheating on their dad. The thought of that made them sick, but the thought of their mother being drugged into it made them sick more.

Molly and Jason found the bar within twenty minutes. Jason parked the car outside of it and had Molly stay inside, especially where she was just barely too young to even go inside yet. While Jason went in, Molly noticed her father calling her on her cell phone and as much as she thought about how much trouble she was going to be in, she answered it anyways.

"Molly Ray Fisher, you better tell me where you are right now," the father scolded through the phone very authoritatively.

"Daddy, Jason and I are fine," she huffed. "We're outside of Brewhouse downtown where Mom is at. I know you guys got in a fight but we saw something on social media and we think she may be in trouble."

"What do you mean?" he immediately asked concerned. "You should have told me as soon as you saw that."

"There's some creepy guy she was with and he-" Molly started explaining but she got lost in her thoughts when she saw Jason dragging out their mother with him. She couldn't even walk on her own, speaking words that made no since, completely controlled by whatever drug was put into her body. Molly even believed that their mother didn't even know that they were her children.

"Molly, what's happening?! Who's the guy?!" Mike repeatedly fired questions through the phone.

All Molly could do in the moment was look at the person that was her mother. Jason finally got her attention when he was practically yelling at her, "Molly, get her in the car! We're taking her to the hospital."

"Mom," Molly mumbled, just barely audible for her mother to hear. She went back to her phone conversation with her father, finally replying back to him. "We're going to the hospital."

"I'll meet you guys there," Mike said, quickly getting up and making his way for the door.

Carrie was laying across the backseats of the car, her hair a tangled, mascara staining her cheeks, her skin white and pale. She couldn't even process where she was or what was going on. She kept mumbling words that made no sense to her children. "He's gonna send it. He's torturing me."

Molly met her older brother's eyes in the rear view mirror, both sharing their concerned looks. They didn't know what was happening or if she would even be okay. The emergency room and they were able to get Carrie back right away, avoiding any and all media or paparazzi. Meanwhile, Mike left Mia in charge even though most of the kids were asleep until Ivey and Mark would be over at the house soon.

No one knew what was happening to Carrie. It was obvious that whatever was inside of her, it wasn't the person that they knew. The person that they knew would have never cheated on Mike. The person they knew would never lie about it. The person they knew was missing, and they didn't know how to find her.

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