chapter three, rugby match

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It was a friday in mid october, and it was the first rugby match of the year. Shouts crowded around Lyla and Shannon. The two had texted Joey to let him know they would be home late. Lyla never knew how much of a deal rugby was, but she was definitely understanding the excitement now. Lyla had grown to learn that tommen was based on rugby. Claire seemed to be the only one actually knowing what was going on. Shannon and Lyla just sort of stood around.

Most of the cheers were for Johnny Kavanagh, but Lyla was only cheering for one person, Gerard Gibson. He was the one she kept her eyes on the entire time. He moved so gracefully, like a deer.

"Yes!" Claire yelled out, "Go Hughie!"

"What's going on?" Lyla furrowed her brows, looking to Claire for help.

"Who knows." Claire laughs loudly, her blonde hair whipping her cheeks.
Lyla and Shannon were bundled up but Lyla was still shivering.

The match had been going on for around an hour, and Lyla had actually been engaged the entire time. They all watched in suspense, erupting in cheers everytime something happened.

Suddenly Gibsie had the ball, and suddenly he scored against the other team, and got the final point. Lyla jumped up from the bleachers and started to cheer loudly.

"YES GIBSIE!" Lyla yelled loudly and blushed when he winked towards her.

The section began to clear out and Lyla followed behind Shannon, preparing to get the late bus. Suddenly Lyla heard a loud shout behind her.

"Lynch!" Lyla ignored, "Lyla!"

She turned around expectantly, trying not to smile seeing that it was Gibsie.

"Remember what I said about taking you home?" Gibsie smirked while jogging to walk next to Lyla.

"I'm gonna take the bus with Shan." Lyla gestured to her sister in front of them.

"I can take Shannon home." A new voice says, it was Johnny.

Lyla was about to decline until she saw the bright smile on her sister's face, so she nodded.

Johnny and Shannon left quickly, leaving just Gibsie and Lyla.

"So good job." Lyla said awkwardly.

Gibsie chuckles, "Thanks Lynchy."

Gibsie was wearing a tank top, his broad shoulders were covered in sweat.

A harsh shove almost knocked Lyla to the ground, she gasped in shock but Gibsie caught her just in time.

Before she could thank him, he was already turning around to yell.

"Watch where you're going you bloody eejits!" He yelled at what soon Lyla recognized to be, paparazzi?

"Gibson can we take your picture?" Lots of flashes came near him. Lyla could tell he was uncomfortable.

"Excuse us." Lyla was shoved once again, she went to move only for Gibsie to grab her by the waist and pulled her to close the gap between them.

"W-What are you doing?" Lyla managed to sputter out.

"Smile Lynchy." Gibsie flashed the camera one of his award winning smiles, so Lyla did too.

Bright flashes made Lyla flinch, and she could feel Gibsie's arm tighten around her further.

Lyla quickly removed herself from Gibsie's grasp after the picture was taken. Gibsie almost seemed like he didn't want to let go however.

Lyla's teeth chattered randomly and Gibsie's head snapped towards hers.

Without saying a word Gibsie grabbed a sweatshirt out of his bag and tossed it to Lyla.

Lyla flimsily caught it, and turned towards him in confusion. "What's this for?"

"You." Gibsie said while starting to walk in front of her.

Lyla followed behind him unsure, but Gibsie just seemed to expect her to follow him.

They reached his familiar range rover, and he opened Lyla's door for her. She blushed and crawled in.

They drove in silence for awhile, but Gibsie managed to break it.

"Let's stop up here." He gestures to a place on the side of the road. Lyla glances up to see a small cafe called 'Kathy's', Lyla was about to agree, but remembered her dad was waiting at home for her.

Lyla went to decline, but upon seeing the hopeful expression on Gibsie's face, she just couldn't.

She nods, "Okay but I really need to be home soon."

"Yeah yeah, sure thing Lyla." Gibsie smiles while pulling into the parking lot.

The two walked close to each other due to the blistering cold, they walked in and as suspected, the cafe was dead.

The only people in sight was an older man with his wife, and a waitress.

Lyla followed behind Gibsie like a lost puppy, sitting next to him in a booth.

Lyla was blushing profusely at being in such close proximity with him, and Gibsie was just smiling to himself.

"I'm glad you came with me." Gibsie said quietly to Lyla.

"I'm glad I came with you too." Lyla giggles quietly.

Lyla was about to say something else, but the waitress interrupts them.

"Would you like to hear our specials?" She said while smiling at the two of them.

"That's alright, I'll have the pancakes and she'll have the burger." Gibsie ordered for them.

"Alright, also couples have half off tonight." The waitress winked at the two of them.

Lyla blushed harder, "Oh n-no we're-"

Gibsie interrupts, "Perfect, my girlfriend and I just thought we'd come in here and grab a bite." Gibsie says while intertwining their hands together.

Lyla's breath closes in her throat, she seemed at a loss for words.

The waitress nods and walks away, but Gibsie doesn't let go of Lyla's hand.

"Why'd you do that?" Lyla squeezes his hand but doesn't let go.

"Half off." Gibsie shrugged biting his tongue.

Something about Gibsie told Lyla he didn't give two shits about saving half off, but she didn't complain.

Their food came quickly, and Lyla didn't even finish half her burger.

The two made jokes and laughed while eating, and everything was going perfect.

Lyla seemed to remember something. "What time is it?"

Gibsie glanced at his watch, "About eleven, why?"

Lyla started to look nervous and pale, "I need to go home."

"Calm down, it's only eleven."

"No Gibsie seriously! Take me home please!" Lyla's voice started to raise.

"Jesus okay!" Gibsie got up.

And just like that everything seemed to crumble...

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