chapter twelve, video games

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Lyla watched as Gibsie kissed Casey Lordan, a girl from bcs. His large hands gripped her waist, and Lyla swirled her drink around in jealously. She wanted to stalk over there, and rip Casey right off him. But that wasn't the type of girl that she was, and she would never be that type of girl.

So stood near Gibsie's friends, and they were all looking at her with worry. They knew how she had a thing with him.

She felt tears glisten in her big green eyes, and she felt so stupid. She felt stupid for actually thinking he cared about her. She knew she was selfish, she was the one who rejected him for fucks sake!

But nonetheless, Lyla stood there watching them, wishing it was her.

When she saw Gibsie's blue eyes staring at her in worry, she practically ran away.

"Lynch!" He yelled at her, moving towards her quickly.

She ignored him, trying not cry.

"Lyla please!" She slowed at his words, not wanting to run anymore.

"You're a bastard." She pursed her lips together, "Fucking asshole."

His jaw clenched, "And why is that?"

She shook her head, her eyes still holding unshed tears, "Seriously!"

He glared back down at her, stepping closer. "You were the one who rejected me, remember that."

She stepped closer as well, their bodies close. "So you go fucking make out with Casey?"

"Who the hell is Casey?" He drug a hand down his face, his voice exhausted.

Lyla felt a relief course through her, atleast he didn't know the girl he was making out with. That made it feel less real to her.

Lyla chuckled, but there was no humor in it. "The girl that you just had your tongue down her throat!"

Gibsie frowned, and grabbed Lyla's arm. "I'm so fucking sorry." He mutters, still drunk.

"You're drunk off your ass." She concluded, stepping away from him.

"Go to hell Gibsie." She muttered darkly, storming away.

Lyla couldn't see through her unshed tears, but she kept moving, wanting to leave.

When large hands stopped her from running into something, she sucked in a sharp breath and looked up.

It was Alec, one of Joey's friends. Lyla looked up at him, giving him a fake smile.

"What are you doing here Alec?" She sniffled quietly.

He removed his hand from her waist, "Just messing." He shrugged, "What's wrong little Lynch?"

Lyla shook her head, "Just some stupid guy."

Alec nodded, smiling down at her. "Want me to call Joe?"

Lyla's eyes widened, "What! No. Definitely not."

Alec chuckled, "Okay. Want me to take you home?"

Lyla shuddered at the thought, "No thanks Alec."

It might have been the alcohol, or maybe even the lighting. But at the moment, Lyla realized how hot her brother's best friend was.

His hair was light brown, waves messily framing his face. He had plump lips, and his nose had a slight bump, probably from fights he had gotten into.

He smiled down at her, "You good?"

Lyla shook her head, and pulled him down. She kissed him, pressing her lips against his harshly. She felt him grab her waist, pulling her closer. She could sense his surprise, but he didn't seem to mind it.

She thought of Gibsie, how nice it would feel to kiss him. She tried to push the thoughts away, but they kept coming back.

Alec pushed her away slightly, "Lyla I can't. Not only are you Joey's baby sister, but also three years younger than me." He blushed, obviously wanting to kiss her again.

Lyla nodded, now embarassed of what she had done. "I'm so sorry Alec." She groaned, "I think i'm drunk or something."

She saw a large blonde coming towards her, and she groaned internally, what a shit show.

"Alec you better go." She warned, pushing at his chest gently.

His brows furrowed, "Is this the asshole who's giving you trouble?"

She shook her head, "Go Alec, seriously. He's a hothead."

Gibsie walked up to them with a low chuckle, he was still fucking wasted. "Who the hell are you?"

Alec raised an eyebrow, glaring at the younger boy. Although Gibsie was a bit bigger, Alec had much more experience. Lyla stepped in front of Alec, not wanting him to get in the middle of it.

"Gibsie quit." She muttered, pushing at his large chest.

Gibsie peered down at her, his eyes soft. But he ignored her, and glared back at Alec.

"I'm not gonna fucking ask again. Who are you?" He slurred, shoving at Alec.

Alec chuckled amused, "Calm your tits lad." He patted Gibsie's chest, "I didn't do anything."

"You fucking kissed her!" Gibsie said, his eyes flashing in anger, "That's not nothing!"

Lyla glared up at him. "I kissed him asshole!"

Gibsie's mouth twitched in hurt, and he stepped back slightly.

Alec paused awkwardly, patting Lyla's shoulder. "I'm gonna go, see you around Lynch."

As Lyla and Gibsie were left, they just stared at eachother. Both were drunk, and both were angry.

"Why'd you kiss him?" Gibsie snapped.

"Why'd you kiss her?" Lyla snapped back almost instantly.

Gibsie sighed loudly, "Why are we doing this?"

Lyla shrugged, "I don't really know."

Gibsie grabbed her hand, pulling it closer to his chest. "Lyla I can't ignore the way I feel about you. I feel like my chest is going to explode."

Lyla's breath staggered, she needed to kiss him. She had to.

She pushed herself up, and Gibsie wrapped his arms around her. They kissed eachother, with more passion than Lyla has ever felt.

His lips were soft on hers, almost like he thought she was gonna disappear. She breathed shakily against him, her body swirling with emotions.

"I fucking love you Lyla." He rested his forehead against hers, letting out a shaky breath.

Lylas words got stuck in her throat, she looked up at him, full of love.

"And Im not going to leave you." He paused, "I know you have secrets, and I'm going to figure them out. I don't care about your problems, I want them to be mine to fix."

Lyla rested her head against his large chest, "I don't know what to say."

Gibsie went still, "Anything would be good."

Lyla laughed warmly, "I love you Gibsie. So much. I can't deny it anymore."

He kissed her again, and she kissed him back just as intensely.

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