chapter eight, i wanna be yours

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Gibsie couldn't think a singular thought, the only thing he could wonder was who is hurting Lyla?'

He raced from behind her, yelling her name out.

She didn't understand, all he wanted to do was make it better.

"Lyla please!" He yells at the alluding girl, "I just wanna talk!"

Lyla just shook her head and exited into the girls bathroom.

Gibsie stormed after her, shoving people out of the way.

His blood ran hot, he was so angry at Lyla for not telling him. But he was also angry at whoever had been hurting her.

Gibsie debated whether or not he should follow her in, he knew he wasn't supposed to. He went against his moral conscience, and followed her in.

He heard gagging from the stall, his brows furrowing in worry.

Without asking, he barged into the stall, Lyla had tears falling down her eyes, and she was dry retching into the toilet.

Gibsie immediately started to pat her back, pulling her hair back.

"Gibsie stop." Lyla cried, embarrassed.

"No." Gibsie shrugged, "We're gonna talk about what happened. He traced her bruises gently.

"No." Lyla shook her head, "I'm serious Gibsie, I'm not talking about it."

Gibsie scoffed, "When one of my friends has a bruise on her neck, I'm gonna find out who did it."

Lyla shuddered, "I just wanna go home."

Hearing her cries made Gibsie regret ever pushing her. He just wanted to hold her until she had nothing to worry about.

"Fine." Gibsie nodded, "But I'll find out."

He helped Lyla up, gasping when she fell against him, dizzy.

"Lyla take a deep breath." Gibsie whispered, "Should I carry you?"

Lyla just shrugged, "No I think i'm okay."

The two made their way through the outside crowd slowly, considering Lyla wouldn't let Gibsie carry her.

"Lyla!" A loud, feminine voice yells towards them.

Lyla glanced over, noticing Claire.

She tapped Gibsie, telling him she would be back soon.

Gibsie waited patiently, getting confused when he saw Lyla grow angry.

He smiled at her, expecting one back, but he only got a fierce glare.

She came back up to him, walking directly past him, and all the way to his car.

His eyebrows raised, and he followed after her.

They both got into the range rover, dead silent.

"So?" Gibsie tapped his fingers against the steering wheel, "Why are you upset?"

"I'm not talking to you right now." Lyla crossed her arms over her chest, and leaned her head against the window stubbornly.

Gibsie just nodded, staring directly infront of him, being stubborn as well.

They soon pulled up outside a house Lyla had never seen before, she bit her tongue and broke the silence.

"Where are we?" She asked bitterly, "I wanted to go home."

Gibsie gave her a sarcastic smile, "If you think that I'm taking you back to your house when you have bruises up and down your body, you're wrong."

Lyla huffed and got out of the car, slamming the door on purpose.

Lyla walked a fair distance behind him, feeling awkward to barge into his house.

Gibsie slowed down, sensing her uncomfortableness. "No one's home."

Lyla nodded, following him into the big house.

She sat on the island, the chair almost being too big for her.

Gibsie sat on the couch, a huge distance between them.

He turned on the rugby game, knowing Lyla would watch it too.

"You can get something to eat if you want." Gibsie said from the couch, still wondering whether or not he should speak. Not knowing if it would make Lyla mad.

Lyla nodded, even though he couldn't see her. She grabbed an apple from the fridge, and moved towards the couch.

She stood near it, not knowing whether or not Gibsie wanted her to sit on it. He sighed, patting the spot next to him.

Lyla scrambled to the couch, sitting near him.

He focused back on the rugby, watching her from the corner of his eye.

He couldn't handle the silence, and how sad Lyla looked.

He suddenly snapped, leaning towards Lyla.

"Lyla please tell me what I did." He started to beg, pleading with her.

Lyla shrugged blankly, "Nothing."

Gibsie scoffed, getting up and throwing his hands up. "Don't do that Lyla. Don't act like that, I can't stand it."

"Fine!" Lyla got up as well, "Why don't you go ask Claire how she is!" She scoffed, crossing her arms over her chest.

"What?" Gibsie's nostrils flared in anger.

"I know that you fucking kissed Claire!" Lyla yelled, not holding back this time.

Gibsie paused, not even knowing what to say. "It meant nothing!"

Lyla sneered, "Sure!"

"Why do you even fucking care!" Gibsie rolled his eyes obnoxiously, and began to move towards Lyla.

She rolled her eyes back, "I don't."

"God I hate when you fucking lie like that!" He snapped.

Before Lyla could realize what she was doing, her lips were on Gibsie's. She was so lost in anger, she pressed their lips together.

He kissed her back harshly, not knowing what he was doing.

He soon pulled back, freezing in shock.

Lyla blushed profusely, "I-I'm sorry."

"That's alright." Gibsie smiled, all trace of anger gone. 

"No It's not." Lyla shook her head nervously, "I shouldn't have done that."

"You regret it?" Gibsie pursed his lips together in irritation.

Lyla nods without thinking, even though she wasn't trying to hurt his feelings.

"You're the one who kissed me!" Gibsie's anger was back, and worse than ever.

"I know!" Lyla said, her voice cracking nervously.

"Don't think about it." He suggested, "We don't have to talk about it, but don't regret it Lyla."

Lyla shook her head, backing away from him. "I'm sorry Gibsie, but that can never happen again."

She stormed out the door, Gibsie followed her, but then stopped.

He didn't even know what to do.

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