chapter seven, i can see you

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Lyla Lynch couldn't sleep. Her head was plagued with thoughts of a certain blonde she had grown to like. He was so rude, and infuriating! She thought to herself. Lyla groaned and flipped over, her mouth twitching in anger.

She woke up to a loud banging downstairs, she jumped and got out of her bed slowly. She walked down the stairs, cringing at the loud creak.

It was her father, and Lyla furrowed her eyebrows trying to figure out what he was doing.

"Dad?" She questioned quietly, he whipped around like she had scalded him.

"Lyla!" Her father actually smiled, although it seemed like a smirk.

"What are you doing?" Lyla questioned nervously.

"Making breakfast, don't be stupid girl." He snarled and opened the fridge to get some eggs out.

Yes, Lyla was definitely the stupid one! Her father hadn't made breakfast in her fifteen years alive, but she was the stupid one.

Lyla nodded slowly, not wanting to make him mad. She went to walk away but he grabbed her arm, not forcefully for once.

"What happened to your neck?" He asked slowly, faking concern.

Her neck was littered with bruises and hand prints from his activities the day prior.

She looked at him dumbfounded, "You happened dad."

Teddy just shook his head growing angry, "Don't lie girl. If you say something like that again, I'll fucking skin you."

"Dad stop." Lyla said quietly, avoiding eye contact with him. Her eyes were starting to grow heavy with tears.

"No you little cunt. You're fucking ungrateful after everything i've done for you!" His grip on her arm grew tighter.

Lyla scoffed quietly, trying to shake him off of her.

"You've grown brave." He grabbed her by the back of her neck, "Remember who's the boss here."

He squeezed her neck and then shoved her to the ground, her knees buckling hard against the wooden floors.

Lyla whimpered quietly and walked back upstairs once he left, crawling into her dark bed. She cried for hours, wondering what she did to deserve a father like him.

She debated whether she wanted to stay home or not, but then remembered she'd be stuck with him all day.

Once it hit 7am, Lyla was out of her bed, throwing on a sweater and skirt. She put a heavy jacket over her uniform, the cold would blister her skin.

Lyla waited for Joey to leave, to go with him. He had sworn to drive her today. She walked downstairs with him, scared to see her dad.

"I made breakfast Joe!" Teddy yelled from the kitchen.

Joey gave Lyla a "what the fuck" look, and Lyla nodded.

"Alright." Joey grabbed a piece of toast.

The two left their house, Shannon was riding with Johnny today. Lyla loaded into Joey's tiny car, reaching to turn his stereo on.

Joey and Lyla rode in comfortable silence, Lyla had flipped her hair off her neck and Joey's eyes started to lock in on her neck.

Lyla turned her head, hoping he wouldn't see it.

"Was it dad again?" Joey said clenching his hands against the steering wheel.

Lyla laughed defeated, "Who else Joe?"

Joey nodded, "I'm gonna get you and Shannon out of there Lyla."

Lyla nodded, but she couldn't find it in her to believe him. She knew deep down she'd be stuck with her father forever.

They soon pulled up outside of Tommen, and Lyla pulled her bag from the back of his car.

"Lyla!" Joey yelled before she could shut the door, she peered back at him with a raised eyebrow.

"You look like you've been crying." Joey smirks, "Wipe your eyes loser."

Lyla blushed, "Get out of here Joey!"

Joey zoomed off, Lyla started her journey through the cold ireland weather.

Her face felt flushed, and her knees and neck were aching.

She eventually made her way inside, most people were at their lockers.

Lyla made it her goal to avoid Gibsie, not wanting to start another argument with him.

She strolled in the hallways, not seeing any of her friends. She had just about made it to her locker when she bumped into someone.

"Oh sorry!" Lyla said softly before noticing who it was, her expression hardened after noticing it was Gerard Gibson.

He peered down at her, seemingly having some sort of trance.

Lyla quickly picked up her bag from the floor, moving past him in a hurry.

A large hand clamped down on her arm, pulling her back towards him.

She groaned and shoved his arm off of her, "What?"

Gibsie just kept dragging her, until they got to a part of the hallway where no one else was.

Lyla rolled her eyes, "What's with the privacy?"

"Have you been crying?" Gibsie asked quietly, rubbing his hand over her cheek.

Lyla swatted his hand away, "No."

Gibsie clicked his tongue, "Lyla please talk to me."

Lyla went to shake her head, but his eyes zeroed in on her neck.

Lyla internally cursed and went to move her hair onto her neck, but he caught her hand mid air. He pushed her hair fully away from her neck.

"Who the hell did this Lyla?" Gibsie said seemingly angry.

Lyla's throat went dry, she didn't even have an excuse at the moment.

"Did what?" Lyla said stupidly, her cheeks reddening.

"Don't act fucking stupid." He whispered harshly, "Just tell me."

Lyla shook her head, "I can't Gibsie."

Gibsie nodded gently, "You can."

Lyla just shook her head again, avoiding eye contact with him, "I need to go."

"Lyla!" Gibsie followed behind her, Lyla snuck between people in the hallway, using her small body to her advantage.

"Lynch!" He called loudly, now almost everyone staring at her.

Lyla ducked into the girls bathroom, knowing he couldn't follow her in there.

She rushed to a stall, biting down on her lip to not cry.

She sat against the bathroom floor, wondering what she could do.

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