chapter four, take me to the lakes

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Lyla woke up confused, she wondered where the arm wrapped around her came from. She soon remembered last night, and the fact that she let a random boy cuddle her.

She glanced up to stare at Gibsie, he was still asleep, so Lyla just laid there patiently.

"Hi." A loud voice boomed by her ear, Lyla jumped out of his arms.

"I thought you were asleep!" Lyla turned crimson.

Gibsie chuckled, but it almost sounded like a giggle.

Lyla just got up and sat in the chair next to the couch, wondering where Shannon and Johnny had gone.

Gibsie stretched out, sprawling his long legs across the couch. He made a loud groaning noise and Lyla rolled her eyes.

"So what time is it?" Lyla said anxiously biting her nails.

Gibsie slowly looked at his watch, "Just past nine."

Lyla let out a breath of relief, her father wouldn't be home until around 2.

Lyla and Gibsie seemed to have woken up more, smelling the delicious aroma from the kitchen.

"Guys get your asses up!" Johnny yells from the kitchen, "Shan made us breakfast!"

Gibsie practically launched from his spot on the couch, gesturing for Lyla to follow him.

Lyla followed him like a lost puppy, going to meet Shannon at the barstools.

Lyla had a bit of struggle getting into the chair, due to her short height. Luckily an arm pulled her up by her waist.

"Sorry." Gibsie chuckled, "I was the one who broke it."

"Yeah my Ma almost killed me." Johnny says while flipping an egg.

Gibsie and Johnny chat in the kitchen, while Shannon and Lyla talk quietly.

"Why were you cuddling him?" Shannon asks suspiciously.

"Why were you "walking" with Johnny?" Lyla fired back, Shannon's mouth snapped shut after that.

"You girls wanna go on a roadtrip?" Gibsie said looking over his shoulder.

"W-we can't." Lyla starts to say.

"Sure!" Shannon says ignoring the look Lyla gives her.

"Come on Lynchy! Don't lie you want to spend more time with me." Gibsie said with a playful smile.

"I guess." Lyla shrugged while glaring at Shannon, "But our parents need us home by 2." Lyla warns Shannon.

"Alright." Johnny agrees, "Let's go down to Walley lake."

Shannon and Lyla nod, both agreed they needed new clothes though.

Gibsie and Johnny led them separately to go find clothes.

"You can just wear these." He hands Lyla a big tee shirt and a pair of baggy shorts.

"I'll look homeless." Lyla warns giggling.

"You never look homeless." Gibsie said quietly, but Lyla caught it.

Lyla smiles to herself, a small one, but a smile.

Shannon came out in a similar outfit, both girls looking like boys.

Lyla braided her hair into two, and she threw on her sneakers.

Johnny had packed them a picnic basket with an assortment of treats. They all
loaded into Johnny's fancy car, Shannon and Lyla sitting next to eachother in the back.

Lyla went about her day, singing along in the car to the stupid songs the boys would play.

They eventually pulled down a rocky road, one they barely managed to get down. But below was the most beautiful water Lyla had ever seen.

The water glistened under the bright Ireland sun, and there was barely any sand, it was mainly pretty rocks surrounding the shoreline.

The four piled out of his car, Lyla was already sweating due to the blistering sun. She walked off from the rest, going to feel the water beneath her toes. It was chilly, but left a short relief of the hot weather.

Lyla sees a shadow covering the area next to her, it was Gibsie standing next to her. Just looking over at the water.

"It's kinda cold." Lyla shivers when the wind blows against their tanned arms.

Without saying a word, Gibsie pulls his hoodie over Lyla's head. She relishes in the warmth it provides her in the wind.

"We should go swimming soon!" A loud voice interrupts their moment.

Lyla and Gibsie break apart, and they look back towards Johnny.

The four decide to go swimming. The girls had to strip down into their underwear and bras. The boys just wore their boxers.

Johnny came up with the idea to play chicken, so Lyla and Gibsie decided to be a team.

Gibsie swam under the water so Lyla could climb onto his shoulders.

She practically grabbed his face so she wouldn't fall, leading to him yelling in shock,

She positioned herself, setting her forearms onto his shoulders. Shannon and Johnny came rushing at them. Lyla threw all her force at Shannon, laughing when Shannon went down, taking Johnny with her.

Shannon and Johnny won a match, leading to the final match. Lyla pushed at Shannon, but Shannon caught Lyla off guard. Lyla began to fall but Gibsie quickly helped her back up. Lyla shoved at Shannon with all her force and Shannon went tumbling down.

Gibsie and Lyla cheered loudly. So caught in the moment, that Gibsie wrapped Lyla into a hug.

Lyla froze but wrapped her arms around his bare chest. The background noise seemed to die out, and all Lyla could think about was the warmth radiating through her body.

Lyla's hand brushed against Gibsie's bare back, and she could feel him shiver.

Gibsie pulled back and looked down at Lyla. Lyla seemed to get lost staring into his light blue eyes. He opened his mouth to say something, but Johnny and Shannon called them over.

Lyla and Gibsie walked slowly back up to shore, and they were both pink faced.

The four ate and laughed that Lyla had forgotten all about the time, well, until she didn't.

"We were supposed to be home already." Lyla worried, her face furrowing.

"I guess we can go." Johnny says while grabbing the basket and the chairs.

The four slowly walked back to the car, all of them dreading the ride home. Gibsie sat in the back next to Lyla this time, while Shannon sat up front.

Johnny pulled up the hill, but everyone heard a loud pop, and the car started to go backwards.

Lyla gasped and grabbed onto Gibsie in surprise, he let her without a complaint.

"Shite!" Johnny yelled while hopping out of the car.

Yeah, Shite was right.

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