chapter two, who is lyla lynch?

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Gibsie had not been able to shake the thought of Lyla Lynch from his mind, he had asked around about her and found out barely anything, no one seemed to know anything about her. But to be fair he had only asked the boys on his rugby team. Gibsie was sort of annoyed at Johnny for wounding the young girl, even though he obviously felt bad about it. Gibsie had been watching the girl, not in a creepy way, but just being observational. He found out her hair fell perfectly against her shoulders, he found out her eyes were green, but especially shined in the light. He found out she had a twin sister, but not identical. In Gibsie's mind, Lyla was beautiful.

Gibsie was planning on approaching her, but Lyla just seemed so nervous, and he didn't want to frighten her. He had already told his teammates that she was off limits, but gave no reasoning to them as of why.
Gibsie had talked to his neighbors Claire and Hughie about Lyla, they have both known her since she was young. The only thing that Claire had given away was that her parents were sort of strict and there was incidents leading to why she transferred here.

Gibsie had just gotten done with a particularly rough practice, he felt disappointed with himself, like he wasn't pushing himself hard enough. He was wiping the back of his neck with his tee shirt when he stopped suddenly due to a force on his lower stomach. He looked down to see the outline of a girl's head, but he knew who that head belonged to, it was the one he'd been stalking the entire week. He made a surprised noise and cursed himself when he realized she was on the ground.

"Oh shit!" Gibsie quickly reached down to pull the girl up, "Are you alright?"  Lyla just looked up at him with a scared expression, she seemed to want to get as far away from him as possible, Gibsie furrowed his brows at her. "Lyla?"

"Sorry." Lyla brushed her hands off on her pants and started to walk away, she didn't get too far though. Gibsie jogged slightly to catch up to her, "Wait!"

"What are you still doing here?" Gibsie said confused, "School ended like an hour ago." Lyla sighed quietly realizing he wasn't gonna leave her alone.

"I have to take the late bus, It's the only one that goes all the way to my neighborhood." Lyla gave a small smile and began walking again.

"Oh." Gibsie shrugged, "Alright, but where's your sister? Don't you two usually ride home together?"  Lyla clenched her books harder to her chest, "She's sick. She didn't come to school today. Now if you don't mind I really should be going."

"Actually I do mind!" Gibsie called out, "As a way to repay you, I'll drive you home." Before Lyla could decline he paused, "I insist."

Lyla blushed and nodded, "Okay thank you." Gibsie dragged her out to his car, throwing candy wrappers and soda cans into the back of his car. He had a range rover, and Lyla widened her eyes. Joey always talked about how expensive these things were. Gibsie opens her door for her and rushes around to the other side.

"So Lynch, why did you end up at Tommen?" Gibsie looked over at Lyla awaiting an answer. Lyla just glanced over at him quietly. She fiddled with her fingers. Gibsie watched her closely, wondering why she seemed so anxious. "Shan and I just needed a change." Gibsie just nodded suspiciously. He just muttered an 'Mm'.

Gibsie reached out to turn up the stereo, and "the man who can't be moved" by the script came on, and Lyla leaned her head against the window, trying to ignore Gibsie.

Something about Gibsie made Lyla feel uncomfortable, not in a creepy way, but in a way that made her feel like he could see right through her. Lyla didn't understand why he had been showing such interest in her. She really didn't think that she was that special.

Gibsie was dying inside, he held his tongue to keep himself from speaking, but all he wanted to do was talk to her. He didn't want to make her feel uncomfortable.

"So my lad Johnny feels quite bad about smashing your head in." Gibsie breaks the silence. Lyla glances over at him with a wary expression. "Yeah well i'm not mad anymore."

"He's a big eejit, but genuine he didn't mean to." Gibsie gave Lyla an apologetic smile. "So Lyla you got any family besides Shannon?"

Lyla actually snorted at this, "Yeah quite a lot of them." She smiled sadly, "4 brothers and Mam's pregnant with another now."

"Oh shite." Gibsie nodded sympathetically, "That must suck." Gibsie cursed himself for being so awkward.

"I have a nice car right?" Gibsie gave Lyla a smirk, grinning to himself. Lyla laughed loudly, surprising Gibsie.

"Yeah it is nice." Lyla agreed. "Do you have a car Lyla?" Gibsie questioned.

Lyla almost laughed again, "No, my family shares a grand prix." Gibsie shuddered in embarrassment, "Oh Shite."

"Is that all you know how to say?" Lyla says smirking, "Shite?"

Gibsie chuckles, "Lynchy has some cheek?" He smiled to himself, "Where do you live?"

Lyla was so trapped in their conversation, she almost forgot he was driving her home, "I live on eastwood road, but you can drop me off at 67."

"Oh alright." Gibsie nodded while tapping the steering wheel with his calloused hands.

"So you play rugby right?" Lyla cringed while saying it, she already knew he played rugby.

Gibsie chucked again, "Yes Lyla I play rugby."

"When's your first match? game? What's it called?" She blushes. He laughs again, "It's called a match Lyla."

"Also it's next weekend, are you coming?" Gibsie prayed that she was.

"I might, I'm not really supposed to stay after school though." Lyla said quietly.

"Well I could give you a spin home after?" Gibsie said shrugging.

Lyla widened her eyes, "Why would you do that?"

Gibsie glanced over at Lyla while slightly smiling, "I owe you one."

"Well technically your buddy Johnny owes me, but you'll do." Lyla shrugs giggling.

"You should do that more." Gibsie said quietly.


"Laugh." Gibsie reaches over and pushes her fallen piece of hair from her face.

Lyla blushes and looks at him in his eyes. They're snapped out of their trance when Lyla realizes they've stopped in front of her house.

Lyla goes to get out but stops and looks back at the blonde boy, "Thanks for the spin Gibsie."

"Anytime Lynch." Gibsie smiled softly.

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