I talk with Percy.

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"Okay, so if y-" Annabeth is cut off.

"Annabeth! Luke! Come on, you'll miss capture the flag!" Someone screams at the door.

"COMING!" Luke yells "bye y/n, see ya Percy!" Then runs out. 

Annabeth scurries behind him. "BYE Y/N!" she yells and Percy steps out of her way.

"Guess they forgot I should probably be playing..?" Percy says while raising an eyebrow and rubbing the back of his neck.

He looks at the window's light. "Pretty." He mumbles and stares at his shoes.

I prop myself further up on my bed so I can observe him more.

I begin to talk to my mom. Well, hopefully. 'Hey mom...I dunno if you can hear me now, but, uh...you sure about this kid? Give me a sign if yes. I don't doubt you I-'

"Um...Aphrodite right?" he asks.

wow mom, real smooth. How did you even get him to think about that...? Or is it just a coincidence?  I wonder.

"Yeah." I say while looking away, he is still being weird. Well, not weird I guess. Awkward. Maybe he doesn't have many friends.

He looks up at me, as if to say 'hey, you gonna respond?' Then realizes. 

"Oh right. Sorry. Nod yes or no." He says.

I'm not nodding. I need to say more. What can I even say? Hmm...what could I use?

I see a pen and notepad. I grab it. I begin to think.

'Yeah. Why?' No, weird.

'No, hades.' But I can't be sarcastic here.

I scribble out.

why are we talking?? I show it to him and he takes it.

"Oh sorry. I can, uh, go. Do-do you want me to?" I made him nervous. This seemed to be a theme for him, getting all awkward.

I look him over. Huh. He looks like he could swim, cabin three for sure.

That was random. 

I think.

"Too slow, I'll stay here. You'll get lonely." He sits down on the floor next to my bed.

I swing my legs around and attempt to place myself next to him.

Unfortunately for me, my knees have other plans and I tumble.

I didn't land next to him, I've landed on top of him.

Aphrodite's little secret. (A Percy Jackson x reader)Where stories live. Discover now