We game.

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We head down to the game room.

There's videos games as far as the eye can see.

Packman, DigDug, VR headsets, Burger Build, Misses Packman, Archery Shooter, Bug life, Dragons Lair, and a ton more.

There's a ping pong table, pinball, a tiny basket ball hoop game, a water gun game, laser tag.

I was see one of those large play places, like you see at McDonalds.

I dash for an open game of DigDug. I love this game.

Percy and Grover are a few machines away playing PacMan.

I'm messing around on about the twelfth level when a strange boy-no, not a strange boy, that's um...that's Percy. When Percy walks up to me.

"Y/n, we need to get our stuff and go." He tells me.

I look him over like 'are you serious?'

"Come on. Let's go." I jump when a kid with two horns appears.

I look between them. Who are these boys? I swear I knew the first ones name...

"Y/n?" The boy with the horns asks.

I look at them confused.

"Oh shit. Do you know who we are?" The regular guy asks.

I shake my head no. Why can't I talk? That's weird.

"I'm Percy. That's Grover. We're kinda like, you're friends." He looks at Grover for approval.

"Yeah! Remember?" 'Grover' asks.

I nod my head as if to say 'okay.'

"Why can we remember but she can't?" 'Grover' asks 'Percy'.

"It's easier to remember when you're together. She also ate one of the hearts." He looks between       Grover.

"Let's go." Percy motions for us to follow him.

Suddenly he whips around and hugs me.

I jump. Jeez Percy! I push him off and roll my eyes.

"That's it. There we go. You know who I am now!" He smiles.

How the fuck did that even work..?

"I don't know why that worked, but my guess was that if I could kinda scare you the foggy stuff in your brain would wear off." Okay, it DEFINITELY does not work like that.

I shrug and we go upstairs in the elevator.

We grab our stuff and head out.

"Wait...wasn't it afternoon when we went in...?" Percy asks.

I nod slowly.

"We were only in there for like an hour..." Grover looks outside.

"Sorry, excuse me sir, what's the date?" Percy asks a random man.

"I believe it's the twentieth of June." He gives a nod and walks away.

"What the f-" Percy is cut off by Grover.

"FOUR DAYS?!" He shrieks.

"Oh golly, this not good. We have to go. Now."

I look at them confused.

"You forgot to tell her?!" Grover slaps Percy.

"Oh...right...So...Hades kinda stole it. We have to go the underworld to get it back." Percy rubs the back of his neck. He gets distracted and looks behind me.

"It's perfect." I turn around.

There's a large lake behind us.

"I need to talk to my dad." 

Aphrodite's little secret. (A Percy Jackson x reader)Where stories live. Discover now