I meet half of me?

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"Percy...?"  I mumble. He was just here...

A bunch of people are running around me.

Chiron materializes beside me.

"Percy...where is Percy?" I try and push myself up.

"Lay down y/n. He's not here." Chiron tells me.

"Where is he? I want Percy." I say louder, my words are sliding together for some reason.

"Calm down." He tells me.

"I need Percy" I've now entered some sort of hysterical state.

"He's not here. He's not gonna be here anytime soon." This sets me off completely. I use all my strength to push myself halfway up into a sort of siting position.

"Percy! I need Percy!" I'm crying at this point. Everything hurts and the one person who can make me feel better isn't around.

There's some sort of creak from the other side if the room but I'm hardly paying attention.

"Chiron, maybe we should just get Percy?" A kid suggests.

"No! That's not how this works!" He snaps.

I'm having a meltdown at this point. "Percy! I need Percy!" I say as loud as I can.

"He can't be here y/n! We've discussed this!" Chiron says loudly.

I start to gasp for air. I can't breath right.

"She needs her inhaler!" I hear. I can't do this. A puff of medicine is released into me.

This can't stop the other pain though. I'm still trying to get Percy. Where is he? He doesn't like leaving me. I don't like it when he leaves me.

"I'm sorry y/n. Percy just c-"

"I need Percy!" I choke out.

Suddenly I'm met with hands on me. It's exactly who I need. "Percy!" I sob.

He puts his hand on my non-wounded cheek. Technically my other cheek isn't wounded but that's where the cut starts. 

"I'm here. I'm here." He says quietly.

He looks me over with concerned eyes. "Lay down, okay?" I relax my body.

I sniff. "It's okay." He leans in and kisses me for a second. It feels like the best thing ever.

"You're gonna be okay." He offers me a little smile.

I look up at him. My lip quivers stupidly.

"Percy. You're not supposed to be here..." Chiron tells him.

"Yeah, notice how she was completely freaked out without me though? You think that's helping her?" He asks and turns infront of me, leaving me without anything to take comfort in.

Another strange noise. We all look over.

"Let him stay, Chiron." I know who it is. The other kids have scrambled away.

"Let me see her." This has to be some sort of fever dream.

"Aphrodite? You haven't been here in-" she stops Chirons yapping.

"Let me see my daughter." She approaches my bed. "Hello Percy." She smiles at him.

He nods at her. I can tell he's just as confused as I am.

"This was the Hermes child, no? Luke?" She looks down at me. "I told you not t-" she begins to chid but Percy cuts in.

"Don't tell her what to do. That's all you ever do, gosh look at her! You could have like I don't know...talked to Hermes or something? Been like 'hey dude, go get your son' come on!"

 Her eyebrows are slightly raised, she only looks at me though.

"Chiron, a word please." They step away.

Percy looks down at me.

"If you need to be mean be mean to me." I tell him quietly.

"What? Y/n why would I be mean to you? I love you." He leans over me.

"Don't take it out on Chiron or my mom. It's my fault." I feel my eyes well up.

"What?" He asks, slightly alarmed.

"I stepped forward. It's my fault." A tear slips out and he wipes it with his thumb.

"Don't say that." He shakes his head at me. Then takes my hand.

Chiron and Aphrodite come back. "Rest here and you'll be healed my darling." She fixes my hair.

"That's where you got it from." I look over at Percy and he blushes.

"I did slip that in there." Aphrodite giggles, then she disappears.

"What was all that about?" Percy asks Chiron.

"Well, she had to see if we were okay with it but she's going to somehow convince some of her friends up there to heal y/n's thing. She also has 'beef' with Hermes now...whatever that means." Chiron shrugs. "So basically y/n is her favorite and she's gonna make sure she doesn't die."

"Damn, where were they when I needed them?" Percy sighs dramatically.

"Y/n was on the track to bleeding out. There was no way to stop it. With you there was a way and luckily you were saved in time. You better be praying thanks right now that your girlfriend is still alive." Chiron tells him. "Anyways, rest well y/n." He trots out.

"No way Aphrodite just came to talk to you bro..." an Apollo kid remarks.

"Yeah. Pretty sure that never happens..." another one shakes her head.

"Bro my dad never even talks to me! Damn y/n you must be burning some good stuff." They laugh.

"Okay. We're gonna scram. If you need anything make Percy come get us." The girl says.

"Okay, thank you." I respond. They walk out.

Percy sighs. "Yeah, she's definitely your mom dude."

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"You literally have the same face dude. It was kinda freaky." He sits down next to me.

My neck hurts. Percy looks at me. I'm laying down so I have to look up.

"I'm gonna kill Luke." He shakes his head.

"What? Why? Jeez Percy!" He could just get him taken away or something!

"He hurt you." I just stare at him. 

"But also tried to hurt you." I say.

"Not the same." He tilts his head back onto the wall. I'm fully able to look at him now. I just want a hug bro.

He helps me sit up, then pulls me onto his lap and gives me a proper hug.

I'm in a daze when Percy jumps. 

"What the hell..?" He mutters.

He runs a finger down my neck.

"Ouch..." I say into his shoulder.

"You better pray thanks to your mommy because she just healed your ass."  He rephrases what I said earlier.

"Huh?" I ask.

"It's just a scar now." He's still looking over my neck.

"Promise?" I ask.

"Promise." He responds.

"I like it." He tells me.

"Are you lying?" I feel like a random sword scar from Luke is maybe not the most likable thing.

"No. You look pretty. You always do though." He laughs a little bit. 

"Thank you." I respond. "Yeah, anytime." Percy says back quickly.

"My mom said you could come with us if you wanna." He adds.

I pull back from our hugy thing.

"When?" I ask.

"Uh...I'm assuming she'll be here in a few hours? Probably? Maybe? Perchance?" He responds.

"You can't just say perchance!" We both laugh.

Aphrodite's little secret. (A Percy Jackson x reader)Where stories live. Discover now