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💙Percy pov💙

Her eyes close and I put a hand on the non bloody side of her face.

"Y/n! Come on. Please wake up, come on." I'm a mess at this point. It's still dark so I can't see her super well. My ADHD is able to pick out the tiniest things though.

I have her legs wrapped around my waist. One hand his holding up her from the bottom and the other is on her back, keeping her from falling back.

I pull her forward so she's resting on me. Mr.D has now run inside. He really likes y/n for some reason. I think he wishes she was his daughter.

I can't even think anymore. I feel tears in my eyes.

"Y/n...please." I beg her quietly.

Chiron hustles out. "What's going on?!" Mr.D stands behind him.

He hurries over. 

"Let her go Percy." He tells me.

"But she-" Mr.D yells at me mid sentence.

"Let her go, now!"

I take my hands off my y/n and he pulls her into his arms. 

Chiron stomps off towards the infirmary. I try to go after him but Mr.D claps a hand on my shoulder.

"Don't. Ugh-is that the bloody one?! Dude!" Mr.D shakes off his hand.

"Why not?" I glare at him.

"Look, you don't really like me, I don't really like you. But you and y/n got some good chemistry going, and she's my favorite. So I'm telling you right now, if you go after her it'll just make it worse." He tells me.

I don't want her to be alone though. She'd never leave me alone. 

"I-I need to call my mom." I step away.

"Alright." Mr.D walks back towards his chair.

My leg still kinda hurts. 

I go into my lonely cabin, then I take a golden drachma out from my bag.

I toss it into the big fountain. "Call...uh Sally Jackson?" I don't know what to say to it.

It suddenly pulls up my mom.

"Mom?" I ask.

"Percy! Thank goodness you're okay. How are you-why are this a half-blood thing?" She asks me.

"Yeah. But Mom?" I ask.

"You look upset. Are you okay?" She asks.

"No. Yeah. No. I'm not. There's this girl...and she-she's perfect. I'm in love with her. I can not believe im even saying this right now but mom, her names y/n and I think I just got her killed." My moms eyes go from 'aww' to 

"WHAT?! PERCY!" she yells at me.

"I know! I know!" I try and breathe. "And I really need your help." 

"How old is y/n?" She asks.

"Jeez mom! I tell you she basically died and that's the first thing you ask?!" 

"Okay! Okay!" She holds her hands up.

"How badly did she get hurt?" Mom asks.

"Uhm...Luke kinda pulled a sword down her neck?" I rub the back of my neck.

"Forgot to ask. Can she live with us please? We can share a bed! We've slept together before!" I try and convince her.

"PERCY! Okay, that is wildly inappropriate you are WAY to young! Second off all, that is not something you tell me! Ev-"

I realize what she thinks I meant "WOAH, WOAH! NOT LIKE THAT! LIKE NEAR EACHOTHER." I literally feel my face turning full red.

"Oh thank god." She breaths a sigh of relief. "Let me meet her, but I think I'd be fine with it. If you trust her I do." She gives me a smile. 

"Why aren't you with her?" She asks.

"They won't let me." I respond.

"Has that ever stopped you before?" She asks, smiling.

"No." I raise my eyebrows.

"Go see her." She tells me, just then our time is up.

Aphrodite's little secret. (A Percy Jackson x reader)Where stories live. Discover now