We face a monster.

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"You wanna see all of our snacks y/n?" Grover asks me.

I nod.

"Alright so got got...Nutty Bars, Bazooka gum, Pez and smarties candies, and vanilla wafers for sweet stuff. Cheezits, Pringle's, and trail mix salty-ish. Along with apples, carrots, and bananas for healthy." He smiles.

"Oh! Percy isn't gonna eat any of the healthy stuff..." he reaches in his bag again. "so there's also cherries that I bought for you." He grins, proud of himself for remembering.

I laugh and it comes through.

"Woah! Wait, you can laugh?" He asks.

"Yeah. She can laugh and if she breaths loudly you can hear it." He sideeyes me.

I flip him off. Grover's eyes widen. "Oookayyyy!" Grover says, breaking up the tension.

I pull out the three bars of chocolate and tap his back.

"Oh sick, that's y/n!" He says and I put them in the bag.

Percy's distracted by something in the distance.

Grover takes a deep breath in and looks up slowly.

"Not even a mile away from camp?!" He whisper yells.

"Dude!" Percy whispers and elbows Grover.

He gets out a pen. A pen really? What the f-OKAY, ITS A SWORD.

THE PEN IS NOW A SWORD. He reaches into the bag and pulls out a collapsable bow and some arrows.

"I've seen you shoot." He hands them to me. I nod.

"I'm just gonna back up g-guys." Grover says as we hear stomping.

Then we see it.

It's a monster. It's this strange animal Lion looking thing.

It grows at us. Then begins to run at us.

Off of pure adrenaline I get the arrow into position. Then, I let it fly.

It lands in the monsters eye, temporarily wounding it.

Percy sees his chance and swings at it with his sword. He makes a gash in its neck.

It roars, but begins to make a swipe at Percy, I shoot it in the heart. It drops on its side.

I just killed a monster.

Percy looks over at me, eyebrows raised.

"That was too accurate for my liking." 

Aphrodite's little secret. (A Percy Jackson x reader)Where stories live. Discover now