We hang with zoo animals.

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I stand up.

"You did it." He smiles and nods.

"Alright, you're gonna take the back of that bus to the Lotus Flower Hotel. See ya." He drops some cash on the table and walks out.

We go outside and stare at the bus.

"That was...interesting." Grover says.

"Y/n you're not gonna believe this. It was a t-" I wrap my arms around both Grover and Percy at once. I'm glad their safe.

"Why are y-...you knew?!" Percy shrieks in the middle of the parking lot and stumbles back.

I frantically shake my head no, still half hugging Grover.

I step away from him and cross my arms.

"Then how did y-" It hits him.

"Ares told you, didn't he?" I nod my head.

"Damn, he had no faith in us." Grover shakes his head sadly. 

"Oh my gosh, I can't believe I just didn't trust you." Percy sighs and looks at me.

I shrug. It kinda hurt but I get it.

"You two are the only ones I can trust right now." He looks over Grover and I.

"Let's get out of here." Grover says. 

We make our way into the bus.

There are a few different animals.

I stroke a giraffes leg. Grover finds a clean patch of hay and lies down.

"It's so sad! They all deserve better!" He say's disappointed and distraught.

I gently pat his shoulder to try and console him.

It seems to mollify him and he's soon asleep on the hay.

I sit next to Percy, who's half asleep himself.

He looks over at me.

"I really wish you could talk. I wanna hear all the things you have to say. Plus you were wicked funny." He smiles.

I laugh. "I like your laugh." He nods at me.


I feel myself blush. No! I will not have a thing for him!

He smirks. "Are you blushing right now?" He laughs.

I hit him on the shoulder.

"Um, ow!" He says dramatically.

I roll my eyes at him, but I'm not annoyed.

Okay, maybe I do have a little thing for him...

Aphrodite's little secret. (A Percy Jackson x reader)Where stories live. Discover now