I gossip with...Ares?!

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"Anyways, you seem like nice kids. I dropped my shield on the Tunnel O' Love ride during an hot date. And, I need it back." He clicks his tongue.

"Woah-so you want us to get your shield...that-that you dropped on a date?!" Percy asks.

"Yeah, pretty much." He smirks. Percy opens his mouth to say something else.

The waitress brings out our food. "There y'all go." She smiles and hurries away.

There's a pile of Cheeseburgers, Enchiladas, and French fries. On the side we have a plate of cookies and bowl of pomegranates.

Grover grabs an Enchilada. "Thank you." He takes a bite.

"Really dude?" Percy sighs and I laugh.

I take a French fry from the stack and he sighs. "Y/n! Come on!" I can tell he's about to smile but is pushing it down.

Ares grabs a burger and downs it in three bites.

"Thank you." Percy sigh and grabs a cookie.

"So, you'll do it? It might help with the uh...war ya started." Ares asks while starting his third burger. "Also, I can get ya passage to where your dads at, Perc. Can I call ya that? K, good."

"I-" Percy starts.

"Great, thanks!" Ares says.

Percy sighs and I shove a French fry into my mouth as he stands. Grover and I stand up to but Ares puts a hand in front of my exit.

"No. I want her to stay. Make sure both you will come back.

"What?! No you can't do that she-" Percy clears his throat. "O-okay."

"Ha, you stuttered." Ares laughs like a child and Percy rolls his eyes.

"I-I could stay." Grover offers.

"No." Ares waves them off.

"Okay then!" Grover claps his hands together. 

"Shoo. Bye bye." Ares says.

"Bye." Grover and Percy say in sync. I watch them leave. Percy looks back at me when they hit the door. Then, they leave me.

"What'd you even do?" Ares asks me.

I open my mouth. "Oh, right. Your mommy always gets mad at me too. Blah blah blah I made those pretty faces atop breaking themmm!" He imitates her.

It takes all my willpower to not laugh.

I grab another French Fry. "You like those, huh? Me too kid." He nods at me.

He lifts his sunglasses 

"You can't snitch. So, I'm tellin you my plans." He chomps down on a fry.

I take a small sip of the milkshake he just slid to me.

"Yeah, so the whole thing is a thing is a trap." I practically spit it out. I turn to him horrified.

"Yeah. They're gonna get attacked. You can't really stop it either." He shrugs.

"Don't worry! They might live." He takes a sip of a bottle of Coca-Cola he snagged from a waitress.

He turn to him. This is not okay. I can't even fucking talk. I look up at him, filled with rage.

"Jeez!" He claps his hands on his thighs.

"Oh my gosh. You should see your face, kid. It's priceless." He chuckles at me. 

"We're cool though. Your moms hot so that helps too." He eats an empanada.

"Damn, these are good. You should try one." He smiles. It's creepy.

Wait. If I like pray to him...could he hear me?

Stop it!

"Holy shit, ouch!" He rubs his ears. "Guess you found a loophole." He munches his fry. "Good work." He nods.

Why are you being so nice to me?

"They like you up there, kid. Percy? He's forbidden. They do like you twos little thing though. Oh my gosh, the shoulder thing? Gold. That was cute." He nods and starts another hamburger.

What is this man's obsession with food?!

Uh...can you like not kill my uh...friends? Please?

"Aww you added a please! That's cute too. But absolutely not." He licks his fingers.

I get an idea.

You're actually pretty cool, can't lie. Like that's tough.

"Thank you!" He exclaims. "You know, it's always 'oh my gosh Zeus is so cool! Ahh lightning! Oh my gosh Demeter's flowers ahhh' blah blah blah!" He expressed.

Exactly! Like you're literally awesome. This is why you found the lighting thief first, not them! 

He nods and pauses. "You're tough, kid. I'd claim you if I could." He finishes his coke.

The door swings back open. Percy and Grover walk back in with Ares Shield.

Aphrodite's little secret. (A Percy Jackson x reader)Where stories live. Discover now