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Akari's POV

I woke up before my alarm could go off followed with heavy breaths.I got up from my bed and did morning tasks like my brushing,bathing and getting dressed in my out fit that i selected for this day (you can the author's note for her outfit).I had so many questions in my mind about the dreams she had last night but she brushed it off.When I looked in the mirror, I felt insecure about my patches on my legs due to my condition.I wore my long knee high socks so that nobody can see my skin.I went downstaires to see my uncle already in a buisness suit.I guess I have to mention that his firm shifted to San fransokyo and I got accepted in a college in San fransokyo so it's win-win situation for both of us."Good morning Akari,how was you're sleep in this place?"

"It was great i slept like a baby,the bed is so soft and thank you for decorating my room beforehand."I didn't  want to burden him with my problems he is already going through a lot already so,I should keep it in."Alright let's go you dont wanna be late on you're first day.It will give a bad impression."Punctuality is very important to my uncle so I did'nt waste my time.

"Let's go" I said as I was putting my shoes and grabbed my backpac with my relevant stuff which includes:A notebook, a pencil case, a waterbottle,important books related to my major,robotics and finally mylunch and waterbottle.I was ready for my first day and i'm going to rock it.

Finally we reached the university and even though my uncle insisted on coming with me but told him that I'll be fine and I'm not baby.After that he finally left after a lot of convincing and I went inside with head up high.I'm feeling confident about myself which was shortlived when I got in.

I felt so small among the college students,college students are tall not that I'm a midget or anything.I'm 5'1 or 155cm tall so average height,but still I feel like a pea among huge vegetables.

I suck it all up and put my backpack on my shoulder properly and stopped slouching and walked in confidently and exused myself walk myself through the crowd to try finding prof.Granville. I finally found myself walking freely without the pushing and all,damn this place is huge anyone can get lost in this if they dont know the wherebouts,which in this case is me.I look like lost puppy trying to find it's home or something.While I was walking I suddenly bumped into someone."What a great first day Akari Watanabe and fall face first on the ground.

Hiro's POV

I dont know what I or who I bumped it into but it was painfull and it's all because me being glued on to my phone,next time I'll make sure to not use my phone when walking down my hallway.

I got up to see if the person who bumped into me neede help in gathering his\her stuff.When i looked there was an Asian girl about my age with brown hair with a strand of white hair.

"Oh my god ,I'm sorry for bumping into you, I didn't see you are you okay?" I asked frantickly

She got up and brushed the dust of her skirt.While she was doing that,I couldn't help but to stare at her.She looks really different but in a good way,I've never seen someone so pretty in my time here.I think I've been staring at her for a little too long that I didn't notice her looking at me.

"Oh my god ,I'm so sorry ,I didn't mean to-""It's fine,I need to get going anyway ...I'll see you around , bye".She left before I could get her name,UGHH-wait why do I care?! she's probably gonna be like Karmi so,what's the point?I don't want to get my hopes up for no reason.

"Hiro you dropped you're notebook on the ground."I saw that Baymax was behind me holding my notebook."Thanks Baymax.""Hiro you are in a daze,dazing is common among teenagers due to-"."Thanks Baymax ,I have to head to class don't wanna be late you know"and headed to my next class with Baymax coming along with me.I still can't get her off my head,what's happening?

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