Ep:7 Nerd lab

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Akar's POV

I woke up in cold sweat when I heard the alarm going off at the time I set it, I was breathing heavily my nightmares have been getting worse and worse.I got up and went to the bathroom to start my routine.I was up and ready to start the day, I walked out of my room to see my uncle eating oatmeal.I felt little bad about what I said yesterday night."Good morning uncle"

He smiled his usual smile and greeted me back, after that I sat across him as he got up to get me my bowl even though I offered to do it myself."I don't want you to be late on second day of college and Akari I will be late today so,I won't be able to pick you up from college"Uncle said

I asked why couldn't he and to that he said that the firm has an important meeting that he should attend.I nodded as I ate my breakfast,my mind was so hazy after that nightmare.

I got up once I'm done eating and I ran to get my backpack."I'll go get to the E-train,I don't want to be late see you,uncle".He waved before I went and I returned it back with a smile on my face.


Hiro's POV

OMG, I can't get over what happened last time I can't believe I was almost killed that night if it weren't for her.I need to get her name while I was in my little daydream I bumped into someone.

"OMG, i'm so sorry I did not see you there"I said in a hurry after I said I looked to see who I bumped into, it was Akari great what an amazing day."It's okay and good morning Hiro".

I blushed a little which can be visible to everyone if anyone sees my face. I waved stupidly with weird but okay smile,"Hi,um good morning Akari sorry for bumping into you third time?"I said awkwardly,this is probably the reason why i'll never get a girlfriend."So,i'll see you in class"

I held her hand to make her stop going because first I need to introduce Akari to the others or else they will bother me to the core and second I need her to help me something important.

"Wait,don't go I have to-no want to introduce you to my other friends.If you're interested that is". I stammered. I sound like a idiot,wait that means what the others said were right do I have feelings or something okay,okay stop your embarrasing yourself.Calm down Hiro calm down.

I looked at Akari who was smiling,gosh it's so cute."Well come on let's go but can you let go of my hand".She asked me after that I immediatly let go.I was blushing from head to toe.I can't believe that I'm like this,after that me and Akari went to the nerd lab.I hope nothing would go bad.We stood infront of the door of the lab,I opened the door and walked in with Akari walking behind me."Baymax!"Akari yelled out and ran to Baymax tackling him in hug,I smiled."Hello Akari"Baymax chimed while hugging her back."Hello Baymax ,how are you feeling?"Akari asked and Baymax replied that he was functioning just fine,classic Baymax moment.

Fred stood beside me and gave me a playful look"So that's your little crush huh,not bad Hiro not bad.You have good taste"He complemented,I hit him at the elbow hiding my blush.I went over to Akari with fred following me."Akari this is Fred,Fred this is Akari"I introduced,Akari and Fred shaked hands."It's so nice to meet you,Hiro told us so much about you,it's like I already know you!"Fred said enthusiastically and I think Akari was a little suprised but she smiled. Fred literally grabbed Akari by the arm and dragging her to ther other side to introduce her to rest.

I followed with Baymax with me just in case Fred did something stupid."Everybody where are you,we have a new prodigy here the same one Hiro talked about.I sighed in frustration.

Akari's POV

Wow,what a doozie. Before I knew it three people turned to me and Fred, one was short with short messy black hair with three purple streaks,then there was a tall girl with long orange hair(Author chan here:I know she was blonde but in the series she has orange),with glasses,she also wears yellow from top to bottom,third A tall dark-skinned man with a green bandana on his head.I waved awkwardly,I've never talked with people way way way older than me.

"Alright, I will introduce you to the gang"Fred said comicly. He scoot over to Gogo,"This is Gogo,this is Honey Lemon and this is Wasabi"they waved back at me, I was happy.Gogo came up to me "Hi welcome to the nerd lab A.K.A nerd central,I hope Fred didn't ruin your time here."Gogo said as Honey lemon chimed in with a bright smile which reminds me of someone.

"It's so nice to meet you Akari,Hiro told us so much about you what's your major?"she asked.I answered that it was hydrology. Wasabi told me that Hiro told everything about me to the pont that they all know me too well already,I looked over to Hiro who was with Baymax and he was also blushing so bad. He is so cute,wait I can't fall for him like that. I don't want to repeat the same mistake again, back at Kyoto I've been trusting people to much and too quickly.

I learned a lot of everybody's majors except Fred's. I loved Gogo's mechanical engineering,Honey lemon's love for chemistry,Wasabi's complusive nature and of course his induced plasma. And I like Hiro's robotics and to mention I was a robotics nerd, it was fun to get to know people who share my caliber and likes. I felt happy because i'm glad that no one was treating me differently because of my intellect. Okay,Akari don't rock this boat they are probably doing this out of kindness. I looked at my phone to check the time and I need to head to classes.

I waved back at others and they returned it back then I left for classes. I left being all happy inside,it was weird but did I make friend?No don't let this get to me.I have to get my class.

Masequerade Mask's POV

My dearest pet Amaron my pet owl has got the report I need to move things forward and plan things further."Ah yes,yes I see thank you.I knew I could count on you always keep me updated."

So that Watanabe runt is at SFIT now,huh?I knew that jerk would send her far away so that I can't take what's mine.All I need is that damn bracelet and after that i'll be unstoppable.

I walked over to my table where I laid out a yearbook and an old torn up family picture.I held the book and to the page where I marked to see Eliana Watanabe or how everyone would like to call 'Ella chan'.I'm sick of her ruining my parade,I hate her so much damn her damn her,but I she's dead and I calmed down.I took a my torn up picture and almost teared up.My mother...

I hate how the world took my mother away from me,the only person who loved me more than anyone. I felt anger rise in me which keeps me driving at my goal.I'm one step closer to get Akari but thanks to her stupid friends and Big Hero 6 acting as accomplices.But now I know everything.

All I need is a perfect time to get them all down oh boy I have the idea to get her and the others but it sound kinda stupid if said in words but i'll find a way to get what's supposed to be mine.

Oh Big Hero 6 mark my words,you have met your match.

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