EP: 6 Nightly haunting

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Third person's POV

It was dark and cold even though it was the middle of summer, the team soared through the air thanks to Baymax."Baymax scan for Masquerade mask" Hiro commanded. After a few minutes, "No sign of Masquerade mask or any criminal activity detected"Hiro suddenly saw a pink light."

"What is that light?"Wasabi asked everyone immediately looked in that direction."Let's go check it out, pls Hiro pls can we?". Though Hiro didn't want to he decided to go anyway as he also didn't want to hear Fred talking about it."Baymax swerve to that lane".They landed at the spot.

They reached the spot but to their dismay, they found no one."Where is the source of that hue of light?"Wasabi asked while he said that he felt someone brush against him and the others.WTH?"

"What the heck was that?"Fred exclaimed. As everyone was trying to process the night started to get even darker and darker one could see anything it was blinding everyone."Baymax scan for the-" Before Hiro could say anything more Baymax clashed down again right in front of him.

"Who do I have the pleasure of meeting on this lovely cold night?" the man who has been the topic of everyone's conversation."What have you done with Baymax?!"Hiro roared in anger. As everyone was ready to attack Masquerade Mask pulled out the creepiest grin and did his thing."Time to dance Big Hero 6, let's see what you got .....against me".

Hiro's POV

Suddenly it felt like my blood vessels were tearing apart, what is this?! I glanced at the others they were in the same situation as I was. I couldn't breathe and I felt that this was my last. Everyone was in worse conditions than me."Oh, a few lads told me guys are the strongest team of San Fransokyo and you are already succumbed to my abilities."Fred started coughing severely. I was minutes away from blacking out, the situation started getting worse as he started toying with all of us like puppets. He hit Gogo on the side of the wall and clashed with both Fred and Wasabi together, Honey Lemon joined in later with them leaving me there to be his next.

I tried using my electromagnet on the wall to possibly  make him get away from me and the others."Aw, can't use your little magnets on me. Such a shame."He lamented snidely. I was blacking I could taste the blood rushing to my mouth. Suddenly I felt his grip loosen on me.

"What the heck?who-" Masquerade Mask stopped midway and the last thing I saw before blacking out was a figure kicking Masquerade Mask in the face(kinda like this)

"What the heck?who-" Masquerade Mask stopped midway and the last thing I saw before blacking out was a figure kicking Masquerade Mask in the face(kinda like this)

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"Hey, hey are okay? hey, wake up! here have this"I felt a sweet liquid in my mouth and I didn't even hesitate I drank whatever the figure gave because of how out of breath I was. I started hearing the voices of the others and I started to open my eyes to see the same girl I met just a day ago."Hey, what was that?"I asked in a groggy voice. She helped me stand up and brushed off the dust on my shoulder, odd this felt familiar." He controlled your body fluids, blood, and your muscle movement." she said after doing what she was doing. "I'm sorry for what happened to you and the others as well as your robot, I'll try to fix it." Everyone was regaining their balance thanks to whatever she gave us to drink. She went and started fixing Baymax with impeccable speed. She does her work exactly like how Akari did wait could they be I mean her voice?...

"Thanks for helping us, "Honey Lemon said kindly "If it weren't for you we'd be dead meat," Wasabi said tiredly after all he did get toyed by that lunatic."You saved us, you know what as a reward you should join us as a new member, the seventh member."Fred said in s excited tone.

Gogo hits his head lightly "Oww, what was that for?".I came over there before Fred said anything stupid." I'm sorry for what he said, he can be a little wacko. But what you did was amazing so, thank you"I said and after that, she was about to leave but stopped her."Hey where are you going, I just want to ask...how did you beat him?" I asked. She smiled and was about to leave when she stopped and looked at me "If you wanna beat him try putting him out of focus."

She left leaving me with a beating heart wait, WHAT? I can't believe this I kinda like Akari but I can't like...like her what's her name? shit! I didn't ask her name and why do I care about that.

"Hey Hiro if you're done daydreaming we can leave now," Fred said with a hint of a snicker. I sighed in frustration, I walked to Baymax and I was ready to fly. As everyone got in I couldn't stop thinking about her, I couldn't stop thinking about Akari Watanabe. Why am I thinking like this?

Akari's POV

I reached home and pressed the clasp of my bracelet after that I detransformed. I got so tired after dealing with Masquerade Mask and helping others. I'm glad I helped them, Now I'm blushing so much I can't process. I met Hiro, Karmi, and Fixing Baymax two times on top of that I helped THE Big Hero 6.I can't believe all of this is happening at once.While I was in the process I heard the door open of the apartment,it was uncle Toshi he came early usually he never came that early.I came out my room to see him tired and his tie is slightly loose and extremely drowsy.

"Hey uncle Toshi how was work?"I asked as he entered in a weary manner.He smiled even though he's tired and came up to me and placed his hand on my head and patted it.

He let out a sigh of relief,"Hey,how was your first day of college?"He asked tiredly.We both sat on the couch and I started rambling on and on about SFIT,Karmi and Hiro.When he hears about Hiro he gave me teasing look."What?"I asked,he laughed a little."College hasn't even started you already have crush?"I blushed so hard that my face looked like tomato". I started defending myself ,"you know what,if Akura heard this..."he stopped midway and gave me look.A look I know all too well.I got up to leave but my uncle stopped me,"Akari I understand about your relationship with-""Can we not talk about that?,I'm really tired besides I have to go to SFIT"

He nodded and started going to the kitchen to grab something to eat and drink,I went to my room before I lock it I said a good night to my uncle.I locked my door and I heat face first on my bed.I thought about what happened back outside during my patrol,it was great that I helped.

I got up grabbed my pajamas and went to get my bath done.After that warm refreshing bath,I put on my clothes got out and put my slippers on and went to my study table and did my hydrology assignments and homework.After doing my packing for tommorow I went to my bed and switched off the lights. But I couldn't sleep,I keep tossing and turning I was sweating.

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