New girls

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After getting ready Bella and I made our way to forks high school

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After getting ready Bella and I made our way to forks high school. As we were walking in we were stopped by a boy who walked in front of us.

"Hi! I'm Eric." a boy said smiling to us.

We looked up there was a boy standing in front of us with a camera around his neck.

"Oh, hi I'm Bella and this is..".

"Athena. I've heard all about you. The swan Twins" Eric said with a smile. Great I forgot how fast word spreads in this town.

"Well it's nice to meet you, and who else knows we are coming?" I asked

"everyone does and your picture will be on the front page of the school paper" Eric said

"Oh, p-please don't" Bella said nervously

"It's not special really, new kids are always a big deal here" Eric said. Great we just going to have people stare at us, I thought.

"She said no, and I'm more than glad to break the camera" I said annoyed watching Eric shocked face

"Oh..It's ok, I understand. And just so you know I'm voice of the people. If you ever need a tore guide, a friend, or shoulder to cry on I'm here" Eric said smiling at Bella

"Im more the suffer in silence type" Bella said

"And I'm more of making people suffer type" I said with a grin

"Ok, then. I can help you just to the main office" Eric said with too much happiness.

"Thanks" I said bluntly

After we got our schedules I found that more of my morning classes were easy but too long. Lunch Could not come faster.

"Bella, Athena over here" Eric yelled

"Hey" I said smiling softly

"Hi" Bella said

"Guys meet my home girls Bella and Athena" Eric said

"Hi I'm Mike Newton's" he said smiling.

"I'm Jessica" she said

"Tyler" He said

"And I'm Angela" She said smiling, she looks kind

There was anpther flash, look and see it was Angela.

"Sorry need something for the school article" Angela said smiling awkwardly

"The article is dead Angela don't bring it up again" Eric stated He gets up about to leave then turns to us. "Don't worry I got your back girls." He smiles then leaves. I just know he is going to cause trouble for us in the future.

"Sorry its just that I don't like having attention" Bella said

"That's ok I guess we can have more drunk driving stories" Angela said

"You know, you can always go for eating disorders" I said

"And speedo padding on the swim team"Bella continued

"Actually, those are really good ideas" Angela said smiling

I caught Bella staring out the window. I had a confused look on my face as I looked over her shoulder and see some teens walking in

"Who are they?" Bella asked

"The Cullens" Angela said

"They're Dr. and Mrs. Cullen's foster kids. They moved down here from Alaska, like, a few years ago" Jessica said watching the Cullens closely

"They kind of keep to themselves" Angela added on

"Yeah because they're all together. Like, together, together. The Blonde girl, that's Rosalie, and the big buff guy with the dark hair, that's Emmett, they're, like, a thing. I'm not even sure that's legal" Jessica said annoyingly as I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, but they live together. It's weird. And, okay, the little short-haired girl's Alice. She's really weird. And Jasper always looks like he's in pain" Jessica said with a scoff

"Probably because he has to suffer near you" I mumbled and Bella elbowed me in the side with a wide eye smile.

"And who is he" I asked seeing a dark haired male come in last.

"Edward, super hot but too good for the rest of us. Don't waste your time. Like seriously" Jessica said a bit too forcefully.

"Did you guys date? You sound mad" I asked

"No, I mean I tried, well no. We didn't" she rushed out. Remind me not to tell her anything secret. She talks more than she thinks.

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