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My eyes snap open and I gasp, I hear talking but I can't think, or feel. It feels wrong.

"Athena" I hear slightly and I look up

"Edward" I say happily

I look around and see the Cullens, Jasper and Emmett holding me

"Um why are you holding my shoulders?" I question

"Oh, I'm.." Emmett says

"Sorry" Jasper says letting go and backing away

"Athena, how are you feeling?" Carlisle asked concerned

"Strange, it seems more loud..." I say and look over

"Bella!" I say running and hugging her

"Athena...ow" Bella says and I let go instantly

"I'm so sorry....please forgive me" I ask

"I forgive you" Bella says in a monotone voice

I look shocked

"Why did you talk like that?" I ask confused

"I'm not sure" Bella says weirded out

"Bella it might be best you go home, we need to make sure Athena is stable" Esme says softly leading Bella away

"Victoria, where is she?" I ask turning to face them

"We aren't sure, she's been gone since you.." rose say's then stops

"Since I what?" I ask and I see them all look away

"Tell me!" I say upset when rose suddenly looks at me

"You were killed by Victoria two weeks ago, and you were dead when Edward found you at the bottom of the ocean" rose says in a monotone voice

I look at rose shocked

"Did I?" I ask confused

"I think you have another gift" Edward says and I look to glare at him

"Yeah just like a freak would right?" I say upset

"Athena,I..." Edward starts

"Shut up" I say and watch him mouth close

"I'm sorry. I don't understand how to stop it" I say upset

"Your emotional, your body appears to have changed again. Why don't we get your food and rest" Carlisle says gently and I nod

After hunting and I tried to sleep but I couldn't

"I can't sleep, but I can eat human food, I'm faster and stronger I think" I say as Carlisle walks around to get his medical supplies

I move up wards on the medical table, glancing at the room. I feel bad about what I said to Edward, but I know I shouldn't. He doesn't care about me, why would I care about him?

"I'm going to try to see if your skin is resistant or not" Carlisle says, holding a needle and I nod

He walks over and try's to push it in, but it fails

He writes in his book and looks up at me.

"I think when you got bit during your transition into a wolf, it caused the vampire Venom to get stuck, I think now that your fully changed half vampire and half wolf" Carlisle says and I nod slightly

"You can eat human food, you can cry, your fangs,and change into a wolf is all the wolf sides of you... the strong skin, telekinesis, compulsion,
Speed are your vampire sides skills. Plus your still warm" Carlisle says with a smile

"So this is it, I'm all done? No more change?" I ask hopefully

"It appears so" Carlisle says with a smile

"Thank you" I say standing up

"Of course, and Athena. What Edward said was not true, Alice told him to say those things to you due to a vision, we thought leaving was the best decision but it was not, I was wrong and for that I'm sorry. But Edward did not want to do it; I made a decision that I will regret" Carlisle says and I nod

"It's alright, I forgive you" I say gently

Now I just need to get Edward to forgive me...

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