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I walk up the stairs and knock on Edward's door, he opens it and lets me in

"I'm sorry" I say softly looking into his eyes

"Athena, I'm the one that should apologize. I said those things, they were awful lies and I'll never forgive myself" Edward says putting his hands on the sides of my head looking deep into my eyes

"Don't leave me again" I say tears going down my eyes "I cannot survive it again" I say softly

"I'll never leave you, not until I die" Edward says pushing his lips onto mine as I lean in

We stand there for what feels like an eternity until we are called down stairs

"Athena you need to head home and let Charlie know you're ok, he's probably been wondering why you suddenly went to the rez" Carlisle says worried

"I've been living on the Rez since you left, he already is used to my disappearing act but I will go, I miss him and Bella" I say thinking

"You've been living on the Rez?" Rose asks with a small frown

"Yes, with Sam and the pack" I say

"Why? Did something happen with your father?" Esme asks worried
"No, not at''s a long story, I'll see you guys later. Charlie is expecting me" I say rushing out. I really don't want them to know what happened when they left. God it's pathetic

No one's POV:

Later Bella stopped by with Jake

"Hey is Alice here?" Bella asks Esme

"Yes, she and the rest of the family are in the living room" Esme smiles sweetly

Bella and Jake walk into the living room, Jake glares at Edward before watching Bella go off with Alice upstairs.

"I understand your upset but..." Edward starts to say

"I have nothing to say to you, your lucky Athena is forcing me to be civil" Jake snarls

"Forcing?" Edward asks

"Yes, and you're lucky. What you did to her is unforgivable. Your lucky she's half vampire" Jake says with anger

"Why is that?" Rose asks confused

"She didn't tell you?" Jake asks shocked

"Tell us what?" Emmett asks

"Why she was living on the Rez" Jake says like it's common knowledge

"Why don't you explain Jake" Esme asks politely

"She is half wolf half vampire so she has both a mate and imprint bond" Jake says sitting down awkward

"Yes we are aware" Jasper says

"Well an imprint bond is much more strong, most of the time when mates are separated for long times and distances they get sick." Jake says

"She was sick?!" Edward asks worried

"Worse, Edward you broke the bond when you rejected her, that's fatal to wolfs. She almost died, if Sam didn't find her, she would have" Jake says with anger

Everyone in the room gasps slightly

"I would have killed her" Edward's whispers hurt

"You did, in every way but physically. But now your back and you reinstalled the bond, she will be ok" Jake says

"I dint realize" he said upset

"Yeah well now you do, don't mess it up again" Jake said going up to see Bella and Alice

Athena POV:

Later I was walking around in the rooms listening to music and reading when I suddenly see sees Edward walk up to me. My heart starts to race, remembering last time

Edward looks down with a frown before walking up to me

"Edward" I say softly as he hugs me deeply
I hug back with a smile. Edward picks me up, one hand around my waist and the other on the back of my head. He starts to kiss my forehead and face

I laugh lightly

"What's this for" I ask smiling

"Jake told me about the bond, I'm so sorry that I hurt you so deeply. I don't deserve your forgiveness" Edward says into my neck

"It's alright, I forgive you. But if you ever do it again I won't forgive you next time" I say seriously

"I'm never going to leave you, unless you want me to" Edward says

"Good, and for the record I'll never want you to" I say smiling

"I love you" Edward says kissing my lips

"I love you" I say back smiling

In his arms I felt perfect, everything felt right

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