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TW: mentions of assault, death, gore

Edward's POV:

I sat Athena into my car and started to dive home. I picked up my phone and called Carlisle.

"Carlisle, Athena is hurt and lost consciousness I need you now" I said pulling into the road towards my house.

"I'll be right there" he said quickly and hung up.

I pulled into the driveway and ran to the passenger side and picked up Athena, my eyes going to get ripped shirt and undone pants. I hope those men suffer.

"Esme! I need help" I yelled into the house Esme, Alice, Rosalie, Emmitt ran in and gasped.

"That wasn't supposed to happen" Alice said shocked. "I didn't see it" she said

"Put her in Carlisle's office now, Rosalie grab some water, Alice get bandages" Esme spoke quickly.

I ran into the office. Emmitt put down the medical bed.

"Edward step back I need to look at her head" Carlisle said rushing in.

I couldn't stay in there, I went into the living room. A few minutes later jasper came in.

"It's done" he said simply

"Jasper you didn't" Esme spoke softly

"I didn't drink their blood, but I took care of them. Athena put up one fell of a fight. She will be a strong newborn" he said smirking slightly. And I glared at him. Carlisle walked in.

"She is stable but unconscious. She has a concussion and bruising. She needed stitches on her head. No sign of rape, but there are scratches and handprints on her chest and body." Carlisle said looking at me.

"Are the men taken care of?" Carlisle asked jasper. Rosalie stood up looking at jasper.

"Yes, but I didn't need to do much. One was unconscious with a bit mark on his neck. And another was already dead with pieces of glass in his neck" he added.

"Good, I hope you made sure they suffered" Rosalie said looking at jasper. This is one of the only times I agree with her on something.

"Of course" he added, Alice walked up and held his arm.

"You did great, barely had any temptation" Alice said with a smile. Kissing his cheek.

"Edward, if I'm correct on what I saw in the hospital that day, Athena will change" Carlisle said looking at me.

"What are you talking about" Rosalie asked

"He thinks Athena is a type of shifter. More know as a werwolf. The online difference is that they must kill to trigger their shift" I said looking at Rosalie for her reaction.

"Well, at least she will have a secret too. We can trust her" Rosalie said shocking us.

"Rose?" Emmitt asked confused

"He's happy, and maybe now he will stop moping around all the time" she said with a roll of her eyes.

I jumped up hearing a gasp.

"I'll go, no one else. Don't crowd her, she is likely confused or in shock" Carlisle said. Standing up.

Athena POV:

I jump up gasping, I look around and everything looks blurry. A man walking into the room. And I jump off the table grabbing a scalpel off a table.

"Don't" I said holding the scalpel up towards him.

"Athena I'm Carlisle. You're safe, you are in my home office" Carlisle says and I lower my hand.

"How did I get here?" I ask quietly

"Edward brought you here, he was driving around when he saw you" Carlisle said calmly.
"If you would put the scalpel down I can look at your head and eyes. To make sure I didn't miss anything" Carlisle said with a soft smile.

I walked back to the bed and sat the scalpel down. "I'm sorry Carlisle" I said softly

"You have nothing to apologize for, it's my fault for leaving my tools out and you alone in a room after a traumatic event" Carlisle said.

" I examined you earlier and you have a concussion, stitches on your head, scratches and bruising. Other than that you are healthy" he said softly. I nodded my head

"Now I must ask something that might be hard for you to answer. I examined you and I did not notice any forced trauma on your inner legs. But I must ask if you were raped, if so I have a few things I can do to help you" he said softly putting on gloves.

"No, I wasn't. They tired but I managed to get away from them" I said shaking my head.

"Alright, now if you will follow this light with your eyes" Carlisle said.

After Carlisle examined me, he left and told me Alice would be back with some clothes to change into. And that everything looked good.

"Athena, it's Alice can I come in" I heard a knock at the door.

"Yes" I said loud enough to where she could hear.

She came in with a smile and gave me some clothes. Sweatpants and a long sleeve shirt and a soft jacket. Along with a sports bra and Cotten underwear. Once I was changed Alice came back in and told me I could come out if I was comfortable. She threw my old clothes into a bin and lead me out.

We made it into the living room where I saw part of the family gathered, missing Jasper, Emmitt and Carlisle.

"Athena, I'm so glad you're ok" Edward said walking up to me slowly.

"Thankyou Edward. For coming" I said with a smile.

"Of course" Edward said with a smile.

"Athena honey would you like a drink? Maybe some water and hot chocolate?" Esme asked nicely.

"Yes please" I said

" I told your father that you and Alice were having a sleep over, I didn't know if you would want him to know about tonight or not" Edward said looking into my eyes.

"I don't want him to worry, but those men they can't walk around free" I started

"They won't, they are gone" Edward said firmly

"Gone?" I asked, then I remembered

"Oh my god, I killed.."

"Athena, it's ok. No one will know" Alice said softly.

"How" I asked worried.

"I'll tell you everything, I promise" Edward spoke softly.

"Edward why don't you bring Athena up to rest and I'll bring her some food and drinks once Esme is done" Rosalie said gently.

Edward brought me up to him room, leading me to his bed.

"I can leave if your uncomfortable" Edward said gently

"Stay. please stay" I said


After I sat down, and ate a little and drank some water and coco. My head felt heavy and my eyes started to hurt.

"Edward please don't leave" I said lowly

"I won't I promise" he said

I grabbed his hand and pulled him into the bed. Wrapping my arm around his chest. I looked up and saw him smile.

"Goodnight Athena"

"Goodnight Edward"

Ps: yes I'm making her a werewolf. Cuz I can :)

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