Battle grounds

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"tell me the plan" Jacob said

"This field will give us an advantage in battle, We need to lure the newborns with Bella's scent" Jasper said

"They can't carry me, vampires can be smelled easy and they know what Athena smells like"Bella said

"Your stench, however is revolting"Edward says as I hit him softly

"Not you"Edward chuckles kissing my hand

Bella gasps suddenly

"Oh my god! When?" Bella exclaims pointing at my ring

"Four days ago" I say softly
"I'll tell you about it once we survive" I chuckle

"Right Jake your scent will mask mine if you carry me" Bella said

"Done" Jacob said kissing her head

"Run" Edward said as Jacob started to run. As Jasper ran after them and came back to us.

"All I picked up was wolf stench, No Bella" Jasper said

"Hey," I said with a pout

"Sorry" Jasper said as Edward chuckles

"You don't smell like a wolf, you smells like the woods mixed with flowers" Edward said and I laughed softly

"You lucky I love you" I say playfully

"I love you" Edward says kissing me

"Alright" jasper says walking away and Edward and I laugh

"Sorry" I call out running behind him

The next day we went to the fight field so Bella can rub her scent around the area

"Here Bella it's going to be really cold" I say handing her blanks.

"I'll see you in a couple of hours" I say with a wink and Bella went red looking at Jake

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