New beginnings

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After we got back to the Cullens house I went off to find Bree only to find her with another vampire I freeze and watch him for danger.

"It's ok, his names Diego. He's my boyfriend. He's innocent" Bree said alarmed

"Where was he during the battle" I ask watching him sharply

"We both ran before the fight, he got away before the fight and I got stuck hiding when it started" Bree said scared looking between us

"I was not apart of the battle" Diego said

"Both of you follow me" I say Turning to walk toward the Cullens house

I walk into the living room the Cullens all freeze and stand looking at Bree and Diego

"Who is he?!" Rose asks alarmed

"Bree's mate" I say calmly

"You both will be given safety here, but there will be rules" Carlisle says firmly

"Of course" Bree says

"What are they?"  Diego asks worried

"We do not hunt or hurt humans, we hunt animals" Esme says gently

"we can eat animals!" Bree asks confused

"Yes we can" Edward adds

"We were told..." Diego starts

"Victoria lied, we can eat animals and the gold eyes shows that. Red means you eat humans" Edward's says

"How did you know that! How..." Bree asks alarmed

"Edward can read minds" Alice chips in

"I can see visions of the future, rose has the gift of beauty, Emmett is strong even for a vampire, Jasper is an empath, Carlisle has strong resilience to blood, and Athena is a story for another time" Alice says happy

"Alice!" Rose says

"Don't worry, we will become a great family" Alice says happy and jasper smiles slightly

"We have a guest room for you two, if you're alright sharing" Esme offers gently

"That would be amazing" Diego and Bree say

"Now, we know what you must have did during your time in the arm. It will take time but we will help you learn how to live peacefully" Jasper said

"She forced us, we didn't want to" Diego said

"We know, and we don't blame you" I said

"Come on, sit down, relax you deserve it" Esme said happily

"We can go shopping soon!" Alice says happy and we all laugh lightly

Alice and her shopping addiction

"This is your new beginning, the past is behind you know" Carlisle says gently

Soon conversation starts between us all and I smile while looking between us all, the battle is over. We can just be a family again.

"Ok now are we going to talk about the ring now?!" Bella says impatiently and the Cullens look over at her then Edward and I

I smile slightly

"Yes we can" I say with a small laugh

Bella comes over and pulls my to the couch demanding to know everything with a wide smile

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