Goodbye Forks

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We were driving fast down the road, the trees going by in a blur

"So what? Now they're coming after us" Bella asked scared

Listen to me. James is a tracker. The hunt is his obsession. I read his mind, my reaction on the field set him off. We just made this his most exciting game ever. He's never gonna stop," Edward said, he reached over and squeezed my hand.

"What do we do?" Bella asked

"They will have to kill him,"I said "Rip him and burn the pieces"

"Where are we going" Bella asked

"Out of Forks, we'll get a ferry to Vancouver"Edward said

"What?! No way!" I said

"No way, you take us home, right now" Bella said

"You can't go home, He'll trace your scent there. It will be the first place he's gonna look."

"Our Dad is there" I said

"It doesn't matter" Edward said firmly

"Yes it does, he could get killed because of us"Bella said.

"Edward" I said softly. "Please" I looked into his eyes begging

"We'll figure something out but you're taking us home" Bella said.

"I'm going to regret with but I have a plan" I said glancing at Bella

Bella opened the door dragging me inside

"I'm done, so done. I need to leave I can't do this" bella said

" Please don't do this"Edward said looking at me

"It's too soon, I can't. I just need to think I can't do this right now" I said slamming the door and following Bella up the stairs

"Girls what's going on?" Dad said

"We have to leave, We can't stay anymore" Bella said as we went to are rooms, once inside mine I saw Edward and was already packing my bag.

Soon I grabbed everything I need it and put it in the bag.

"Did he hurt you" Dad asked me

"No" I said shortly

"Did he break up with you?" Dad asked me

"No, it's just too soon. I can't I just I don't know"I said as bella grabbed my hand dragging me out.

"We don't want this, we have to go home" Bella said.

"Home? Your Mom's not even in Phoenix" Dad said

"She'll come home. I'll call her on the road" Bella said

"You're not driving home right now. You can sleep on it. If you still feel like that in the morning" Dad said

"We'll pull into a motel I promise" I said

"Look, I'm know I'm not that fun to be around. But I can change, we can do more stuff together, I promise" Dad said breaking my heart

I ran out the door putting my stuff in my car, Bella doing to same to here truck. I see rose hop into her truck and Edward in my car

"Your Dad will forgive you" Edward said as tears ran down my face

"Just tell me if you hear a cop" I said pressing on the gas

We arrived back at there house and got out. When we walked to the door me, Edward went all defensive once we saw Laurent

"Relax, Laurent is here, to warn us about James" Carlisle said holding a hand up to Edward and now rose who came in behind us with Bella

"This isn't my fight, and I've grown tired of his games. But he's got unparallel senses, absolutely lethal. I never seen anything like him in my three hundred years. And the woman, Victoria, don't underestimate her." Laurent said as he left we were taken into the garage.

"I've fought our kind before. They're not easy to kill" Jasper said to the family

"But not impossible. We'll tear them apart and burn the pieces" Emmett said sounded happy

"I don't relish the thought of killing another creature, even a sadistic one like James" Carlisle sighed sadly

"What if he kills one of us first" rose said

"Im gonna run, Athena south, rose take Bella north. Divide up confuse him" Edward said

"No, Edward. James know's you would never leave the Athena" Carlisle said

"I'll go with them and jasper coming with me," Alice said I gave a small smile.

"Emse, Rosalie can you put theses on," handing Rose Bella's coat and Esme my shirt.

"Fine, but I'm wearing Sky clothes" Rose said as they switch clothes

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