Chapter 10

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As soon as she hit the concrete she awoke back to the normal world.

She gasped and quickly sat up. Quinn was focusing her attention on someone else and hadn't noticed the hero slowly floating towards her.

The villain's eyes were closed, and she was pressing her fingertips onto a man's forehead. The man's eyes were rolled back and he seemed incapacitated. It was not a pretty sight.

Carmen floated above her and drew back her arm, a small ball of wind formed in her palm. The villain smirked, chuckling slightly. Carmen quickly got to her feet, facing Quinn.

"Not bad princess." The villain smiled, mocking the hero with the nickname. "But I need you to stay there." Quinn started skipping towards her again,

'I can't let her touch me.' Carmen thought, remembering the small tap on the shoulder Quinn had given her before she was sent into the dream world. Carmen started floating once again, creating a small ball of fire in her palm.

"I'd advise you to stop whatever science experiment you have going on here." Carmen called, flying high in the air. The villain tilted her head, placing her hands on her hips. "Or else." The hero glared, holding up the small ball of fire.

"Oh yea? You're so scary~" Quinn teased, smirking. The villain knew what she was doing, working up the hero in order for her to get sloppy and make mistakes.

Carmen threw the first ball of fire, to which the villain ducked behind a tree. Then another, and another, continuing on for a while. "YOU HAVE HORRIBLE AIM!" The villain yelled over a fireball just barely missing her head.

"OH SHUT IT!" The hero screeched back, sending a widespread gust of wind towards her and pinning Quinn against a fence. Carmen flew down, keeping the villain pinned to the fence. She let out a pant of breath.

"Tired already, hero?" The villain smirked, to which the hero held a knife to her throat. "Woah," Quinn laughed, leaning into the fence. She held her hands up jokingly, "Didn't think you were into this kinda stuff-"

"SHUT UP." The hero was obviously flustered, but she continued. "Wake those people up, now." Carmen stated, getting close enough to whisper. At this point, she definitely recognized 'Quinn'.

"Oooo, so demanding~" the villain rolled her eyes, "How about... NO." Quinn stuck out her tongue, Carmen narrowed her eyes, staying silent for a moment.

"Please...?" The hero sighed, keeping the knife against the villain's throat.

"Y'know, begging looks great on you hero~" The villain teased, causing Carmen to turn bright red.

"Shut- shut up..." The hero muttered, The villain chuckled, keeping up the smirk. By this time the cops had arrived, The hero turned to jokingly greet them

"Hey fellas! Remember me?" She smiled confidently, the cops held their guns up in response. "Woah now, relax."

But when she turned back, the villain was gone.

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME!?" She scoffed, rolling her eyes as she put her hands on her hips and turned back towards the cops. "H-"

"Put your hands up!"

"Ok, seriously. You guys never listen to me." Carmen clicked her tongue, slowly floating up.

"Hey- stop right there!" One of them yelled.

"Sorry! I think I left the stove on!" She called out as she flew away.


"How did she even get away..?" Carmen asked, plopping onto the couch. Effie popped open a video on her phone and showed it to her. The video played and it showed Quinn flipping over the fence as soon as she had turned away, and making a break for it to a nearby alleyway. "Ugh, I'm such an idiot." The hero groaned, Effie nodded, chewing on a mouthful of McDonalds fries.

Villain x hero (GXG)Where stories live. Discover now