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The room exuded an air of glory, adorned with multiple rows of elegantly arranged chairs, with twenty-four at the forefront reserved for the Academy's top students. Cordelia, among them, couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement from the atmosphere. The students, all donned in their finest formal attire, engaged in lively conversations. As Cordelia walked past them, she exchanged smiles, navigating through the crowd until she reached her intimate circle of friends.

Her friends, Arachne Crane, Festus Creed, Felix Ravinstill, and Coriolanus Snow, awaited her. They had been friends since childhood, sharing a bond that transcended time.

"Cordelia." Coriolanus greeted upon her arrival, his eyes momentarily flickering over her hair and dress. Cordelia sported an elegant black cross-neck midi dress. Her ensemble was complemented by a pair of sleek, matching black heels, adding a touch of sophistication. She wore black sheer tights that subtly enhanced the ensemble's allure. Her hair was styled in loose, cascading curls, with two delicate braids woven from the front and elegantly secured at the back, creating a refined look.

"Coriolanus." She responded with a warm smile. Among her friends, Coriolanus was her closest, although she couldn't deny his cocky demeanor. Arachne often dubbed him "a star pupil" for his punctuality, high grades, and meticulous life plans. He aspired to be the president of Panem one day, a vision Cordelia could envision turning into reality.

Curious about their earlier conversation, Cordelia turned to Festus. "What are we talking about?"

Festus, not as intimate a friend as Coriolanus, divulged, "Sejanus Plinth. And his opinion on the Hunger Games. If I hear one more time about how immoral these Hunger Games are, I'lI put him in the arena mysel-" Festus halted mid-sentence as Sejanus approached.

Sejanus, another close friend, hailed from the districts, a fact that Cordelia deeply respected, unlike some of her classmates. While Sejanus openly expressed his hatred for the Hunger Games, Cordelia found herself struggling to voice her own sentiments.

Ever since childhood, she had been indoctrinated to believe that the games were necessary. However, as she matured, particularly by the age of twelve, she began to question this narrative, seeing the games not as necessary, but as cruel and unjust. Yet, she grappled with expressing these beliefs, feeling stifled by the weight of societal expectations and the fear of going against the status quo.

"Sejanus, you made it to the reaping for once."

"And you made it to graduation, Festus. We're both shocked." Cordelia stifled her laughter with a well-timed cough, earning a glare from Festus, while Coriolanus struggled to suppress a smile.

"Spill it. Who won the prize?" Arachne asked impatiently, her curiosity piqued about the coveted Plinth Prize. Established by Strabo Plinth, Sejanus's father, the prize was a yearly monetary award that every student, including Cordelia, coveted. Its substantial amount could cover university expenses and potentially open doors to the War Department.

"Oh, I'm not going to ruin my father's big day. No one here actually likes him, but they do love his money." He remarked, casting a pointed look at Arachne, "You know what that's like, don't you, Arachne?"


The harmonious melody signaled the transition from casual conversation to the anticipation of the upcoming event. Sejanus extended his arm, offering to escort Cordelia to their seats.
Positioned between Coriolanus and Cordelia, Sejanus led the way, while Arachne took her place on Cordelia's right.

The air buzzed with excitement as attendees settled into their seats, the room gradually hushing as the moment approached.

A wicked laugh that engulfed the entire room diverted Cordelia's attention toward the front. Dr. Gaul, the imposing figure at the helm of the Games, stood there, and the room fell silent in response.

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