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As they rode towards the arena, Cordelia's nerves gnawed at her insides, coaxing her to seek comfort in Coriolanus's hand. But her attempts to intertwine their fingers were met with repeated rejections until finally, he relented, grasping her hand in his own. Coriolanus made a mental note to do wash his hands after getting Sejanus out of the arena.

Standing before the looming gates of the arena, their anxiety intensified in the knowledge that within lay tributes armed with deadly weapons, lurking in the shadows.

Coriolanus and Cordelia stood shoulder to shoulder, flanked by two stern peacekeepers, their presence a stark reminder of the imminent danger. Cordelia's hand trembled slightly within Coriolanus's sweaty grasp, a silent admission of their shared apprehension. Summoning her courage, Cordelia took the first tentative step forward, lightly tugging Coriolanus along as the gates ominously sealed shut behind them.

The dim red lights lining the tunnel cast an eerie glow upon their faces as they stole a fleeting glance back at the peacekeepers, their expressions grim with determination, before forging ahead with cautious footsteps, mindful of the peril lurking in the darkness ahead.

As they passed through the turnstiles, their fingers slipped apart, anticipating the robotic voice that echoed, "Enjoy the show!"

The harsh mechanical sound made them both wince, exchanging a brief glance before pressing forward. Cordelia's hand reached tentatively for Coriolanus's, surprised when he didn't pull away. Emerging from the tunnels, they entered an area shrouded in darkness and debris. Moonlight filtered through, casting eerie shadows and revealing the aftermath of destruction. The air was thick with the stench of decay.

They advanced cautiously, freezing in place at the sight of Otto's lifeless form nearby. Coriolanus's gaze shifted upward, where Lamina lay asleep on the beam, oblivious to their presence. Cordelia nudged Coriolanus's shoulder, breaking the tense silence.

"Over there," she whispered, pointing towards Sejanus, who knelt before his tribute. With stealthy steps, they approached him, and Sejanus started at the sudden intrusion.

"I thought they'd send my ma." Sejanus murmured. Cordelia admired the bond shared between Sejanus and his mother, a mixture of admiration and envy swirling within her. At times, she found herself yearning for a similar connection with her own mother.

Mrs. Plinth's warmth towards Cordelia was palpable, her gestures of kindness never ceasing.

"Yeah, well, I wish they had." Coriolanus replied sharply, earning a nudge from Cordelia. She knelt beside Sejanus, placing a comforting hand on his back.

"Come on. Let's go home." Cordelia whispered to him, her voice barely audible over the weight of the moment. She couldn't bear to look at Marcus's lifeless body in front of her, nor could she meet Sejanus's gaze. The air felt heavy with grief and uncertainty, and Cordelia was at a loss for how to offer comfort to either of them.

Sejanus rose to his feet, offering a hand to Cordelia as he did so. "You need to go." he insisted, his voice tinged with urgency.

"I'd like to. I really would, but I promised to get you out." Coriolanus murmured, stepping closer to Sejanus.

"Why?" Sejanus questioned, his tone a mixture of confusion and suspicion.

"Because you're my friend," Coriolanus replied, his words hanging in the air with an uncertain weight. Cordelia couldn't discern whether Coriolanus's sentiment was genuine or merely a facade. Despite the many times he had expressed disdain for Sejanus in the past, his current tone seemed sincere, adding to the complexity of the moment.

"You think anyone's watching this? Gaul cut the feed. Tributes kill you in here, she's just going to say you died of the flu." Coriolanus argued. Cordelia nodded in agreement, her brows furrowing with worry. Dr. Gaul's manipulative tactics meant that Sejanus' sacrifice might go unnoticed, buried beneath the Capitol's lies.

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