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Cordelia's eyelids fluttered open, adjusting slowly to the dim light filtering through the room. Beside her, Sejanus sat vigilantly, a silent sentinel tasked by her mother to await her awakening.

"You're awake." Sejanus greeted softly, offering a steadying hand as Cordelia stirred. "How do you feel?"

"Other than this pounding headache, I think I'm okay." Cordelia replied, gingerly easing herself into a sitting position. Her gaze swept across the room, taking in the occupied beds flanking hers, the nurses bustling about attending to their charges, and the small television mounted on the wall ahead. "What happened?"

"It was a rebel bombing." Sejanus explained gravely. "They must have been planning it for months. Four tributes lost their lives, Marcus escaped, and Felix is in serious condition."

Cordelia's heart clenched at the mere mention of Felix. Though they weren't particularly close, he had been her partner for the majority of their assignments. Despite the occasional banter and lighthearted exchanges, Felix always took the time to inquire about her well-being. His small gestures of concern may have seemed insignificant to some, but to Cordelia, it held immense value.

"Escaped? What do you mean Marcus escaped?"

"The main gates were blown open and he made a run for it. Two tributes were shot trying to escape with him. They haven't found him yet, but he has a better chance surviving out there does he does in the arena."

"And Treech?" Cordelia pressed; concern etched into her features.

Sejanus chuckled lightly at her concern for her tribute, "From what I know, he and the other tributes are fine. He took a few blows to the back from the rubble, but he's okay. Surprisingly, a real doctor checked them out." Sejanus admitted with a furrowed brow. "I should get your mother. She wanted to be informed as soon as you woke."

Cordelia's hand shot out, seizing Sejanus's wrist before he could rise. "Not yet." she implored; her voice laced with apprehension.

Sejanus possessed a keen understanding of Agnes Sinclair, as well as Cordelia's sentiments toward her. Likewise, he was privy to Agnes's feelings toward him and his family. The subtle exchanges that occurred during breakfast—unnoticed by some—did not escape Sejanus's astute observation.

Sejanus acquiesced with a nod, settling back into his chair at Cordelia's side. "How's Coryo?" She asked, her worry extending to her friend.

"He's still unconscious." Sejanus reported, his gaze drifting toward Coryo's bedside. "Trapped and burned, but Lucy Gray managed to rescue him. He's also dealing with a mild concussion. Tigris should be here any minute now."

It had been a while since Cordelia talked to Tigris. The two grew up with one another since Tigris would occasionally baby sit and play with Cordelia when she was a kid. She'd also help her out in school when it was necessary.

"Are the games still happening?" Cordelia asked.

"Unfortunately. The interviews are scheduled for tonight." Sejanus replied with a grimace. "The tributes are getting ready as we speak."


"I thought I told you to notify me when she woke." Agnes chimed in, though her tone lacked any real seriousness. Cordelia looked over to see her mother walking over to them and hoped she did not have some sort of lesson. Cordelia could not deal with that in the moment.

"I told him not to." Cordelia interjected as her mother approached, gently brushing a strand of hair from her face. "You have to take me to the school, mother."

"What? Why?" Agnes asked.

"Because I have to help Treech with his interview. He's not ready." Cordelia explained as she threw off the blanket, determination etched across her face.

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