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A week had passed since the conclusion of the Tenth Hunger Games, and the atmosphere seemed to have reverted to its usual state of indifference. The fervor and chatter surrounding the event had dissipated, replaced by an eerie silence that enveloped the district.

In the aftermath of the games, Cordelia found herself retreating to the sanctuary of her room, grappling with a myriad of emotions swirling within her. The loss of Treech weighed heavily on her heart, leaving her feeling adrift and alone in the world. With Sejanus's departure to join the ranks of the peacekeepers, she found herself bereft of companionship and solace.

As Cordelia wrestled with her grief and solitude, Sejanus bid her farewell with words of comfort and encouragement, urging her to remain resilient in the face of adversity. Though his departure left a void in her life, his parting words served as a beacon of hope, a reminder that even in the darkest of times, there was still the promise of a brighter tomorrow.

The only silver lining in the midst of Cordelia's tumultuous life was the absence of Coriolanus Snow. Sent away to serve as a peacekeeper for his transgressions, she found comfort in the knowledge that she wouldn't have to endure his presence for the next twenty years. The mere thought of encountering him again filled her with a visceral urge to lash out, a testament to the deep-seated animosity she harbored towards him.

Despite her efforts to push him from her mind, thoughts of Treech continued to intrude upon her consciousness with unwavering persistence. His image lingered in her thoughts like a persistent shadow, his features etched into her memory with an almost haunting clarity. From the unruly curls that framed his face to the enigmatic depths of his eyes, every detail seemed to captivate her attention. Yet, it was the subtle creases that formed at the corners of his eyes that sparked a sense of familiarity within her, though she couldn't quite decipher their significance.

Lost in contemplation, Cordelia found herself seated at her desk, her fingers tracing the worn pages of her journal with a sense of reverence. For as long as she could remember, she had poured her thoughts and experiences onto these pages, each entry a testament to her innermost struggles and triumphs. With a silent determination, she continued to chronicle her journey, envisioning a future where her words would serve as a guiding light for those who followed in her footsteps.

With a tender smile playing on her lips, Cordelia fondly reminisced about cherished moments from her past, each memory etched vividly in her mind like scenes from a well-worn film reel.

Her heart warmed at the recollection of precious times spent with her brother, the laughter they shared echoing in her memory. She chuckled softly at the memory of Sejanus's twelfth birthday dinner, where an unfortunate mishap led to her unceremoniously tumbling onto the cake, much to the amusement of everyone present.

Another memory surfaced, this one involving her friend Coriolanus, his stubbornness and quirks endearing him to her heart. She recalled a particular incident where he adamantly refused to assist Persephone with her project, citing some humorous excuse about her purported 'illness', much to the exasperation of those around him.

Lost in the reverie of her past, Cordelia's fingers traced the worn pages of her journal until they alighted upon a specific entry, dated shortly after her thirteenth birthday, a poignant reminder of the passage of time and the memories that had shaped her journey thus far.

five years ago...

Cordelia's leg trembled with excitement, a nervous energy coursing through her veins as she peered out the window of the train. The prospect of venturing into the districts for the first time filled her with a sense of wonder and anticipation she had never experienced before.

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