twenty four

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"Can I get one of those figurines?" The man's voice held a hint of wonder as he extended his finger, directing Cordelia's attention towards a shelf adorned with an array of delicate trinkets, among them a finely crafted wooden giraffe.

Cordelia, her gaze alight with curiosity, followed the trajectory of the man's gesture before deftly retrieving the coveted item. "This one?" she inquired, a gentle smile gracing her lips as the man affirmed his choice with an eager nod.

With a graceful movement, Cordelia plucked the figurine from its resting place, presenting it to the young admirer with a flourish. "Anything else?" Her voice carried a note of warmth, inviting further exploration amidst the treasures that adorned the quaint shop.

The man's eyes sparkled with renewed enthusiasm as he cast his gaze around the room, his attention drawn towards a gleaming mirror positioned just behind Cordelia. "That mirror." He declared, his request met with a nod of understanding from Cordelia.

Bending down with practiced ease, Cordelia retrieved the mirror, its polished surface reflecting the ambient glow of the room as she presented it to the man, completing his selection with a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction.

Cordelia carefully enveloped the mirror in layers of protective paper and secured it with meticulous precision, the adhesive tape binding the parcel like a shield against the uncertainties of the world. Equally tender care was bestowed upon the delicate wooden figurine, nestled snugly within its designated box.

As she tendered the items to the awaiting customer, a genuine smile graced Cordelia's lips, illuminating her features with a warmth that mirrored the affection she poured into her craft. "Have a good day." she offered, her voice a melody of sincerity and goodwill.

"You too."

As soon as the man was out of sight, River's voice sliced through the air like a whisper of warning, "That man was watching you."

Cordelia's brows furrowed in disbelief, her voice tinged with a hint of defiance, "What do you mean? He wasn't watching me."

River's response carried a note of certainty, his words measured and deliberate, "He stood outside for a good five minutes before finally approaching, and mark my words, he was here yesterday."

Cordelia's response was swift, a subtle yet decisive shake of her head as she brushed off the boy's words with a dismissive gesture. Surely, she reasoned, the customer had simply returned for some forgotten items, and any notion of being watched was swiftly rebuffed by her mind. The very idea unsettled her, sending a shiver of discomfort coursing through her veins as she steadfastly clung to the belief that it was nothing more than a figment of her imagination.


Cordelia rushed home, a whirlwind of anticipation and anxiety swirling within her. The prospect of the dinner to which Treech had extended an invitation loomed large in her mind, filling her with a potent blend of nervous energy and trepidation.

Once home, Cordelia embarked on the task of selecting her attire with a sense of urgency, her hands trembling slightly as she contemplated the evening ahead. Thoughts raced through her mind like frantic whispers in the dark, her anxiety amplified by the uncertainty of what awaited her beyond the threshold of Treech's home. While his mother's warmth had offered a glimmer of reassurance, lingering doubts about the reception she would receive from his brothers and father gnawed at her resolve.

In the midst of her internal turmoil, Cordelia grappled with conflicting emotions, oscillating between hope and apprehension. Would Treech's family like her, or would she find herself navigating a labyrinth of judgment and disapproval?

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