Chapter 26

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Dino opens his eyes dazed, he has a hard time remembering what happened. When he sees clearly, he notices that he's in a strange room. It looks like an empty garage and Dino notices there's only one door. He's lying down in a corner next to a strange, large freezer and when Dino wants to get up, he feels something pulling his ankles. When he looks down, Dino realizes he's been tied up against the wall. 
"What's this? Where am I?" Dino asks puzzled.
"Welcome to my basement!" Jisung's voice startles Dino, he didn't realize the hazelnut-haired creep was standing in the room.
"I thought you would like a different room than last time", Jisung adds with a wink. Dino only gives him a death stare in return. He can't believe he's kidnapped again. 
"Why aren't my hands tied?" Dino asks suspicious and Jisung lets out a chuckle.
"Laziness. And I have to admit I like a challenge", he says amused and Dino just wants to rip that stupid smirks off that creep's face.
"Why didn't you kill me?" Dino asks, he really thought they would kill him on the street.
"That's way less fun!" Jisung answers as if it couldn't be more obvious.
"And I'm bait, aren't I?" Dino adds, already losing hope.
"Wow, you're getting smart!" Jisung says clapping his hands which causes Dino to roll his eyes annoyed. He wants to say something, but someone else enters the room.
"You promised to stop bothering Scoups once you got me", Dino says and Woojin, who just entered, starts laughing. The sound echoes in the empty room, it gives Dino shivers.
"It's not funny! You didn't keep your promise!" Dino adds desperate.
"First of all, we never promised anything," Woojin states coldly, "and it's not like you kept your promise either." Dino blinks confused while Jisung smiles amused.
"What?" Dino asks surprised, but he soon gets the answer.
"You couldn't even keep your mouth shut for one minute. Now I have to kill Scoups because you told him about me", Woojin says bluntly. 
"The poor guy", Jisung says pouting, acting like he cares. Dino could cry right now, he hates this feeling. The feeling of powerlessness, the joy in his enemies eyes. Dino walked righ into their trap, he gave them another reason to hurt the person he cares about so much.
"How did you know?" Dino asks on the verge of tears.
"There's a reason I act like Joshua's slave, you know", Woojin says and Dino stares at him surprised. It was all an act? 
"That man has never let go of Scoups and he never will. It's the only thing he has left that reminds him of his soulmate. So to keep having control over Scoups' life, he installed camera's all over the place. You don't want to know how many times he has been spying on you two and I, his loyal friend, could happily spy with him. Oh, how fun life can be", Woojin says grinning while Dino stares at him shocked.
"This guy is smarter than you think", Jisung says proud. Dino has a creepy feeling now that he knows every single movement has been watched by his enemy. And not only his, also Scoups'. 
"I warned you, I have eyes and ears everywhere", Woojin says threatening and Dino gulps, Woojin really wasn't lying when he said that. 
"What are you going to do to Scoups?" Dino asks scared. Jisung scoffs irritated.
"What do you think?" he grunts annoyed and Dino looks down to hide the tears coming up in his eyes. 
"You can't do that, it's unfair", Dino mumbles devestated.
"You know what, fine", Woojin suddenly says. Both Dino and Jisung look up at the younger surprised.
"Y- You won't kill him?" Dino asks hopeful.
"I won't..., for now. He's in the hospital anyways, so that would be boring. But oh, when he's ready to go out again, he will wish he was still in the hospital", Woojin says grinning and Dino's heart shatters into a million pieces.
"You sound just like Chan", Jisung says proudly and Woojin smiles happy.
"That's the biggest compliment I could ever get", he says smiling and the two walk out of the room while they smile and talk. When they close the door behind them, Dino hears many locks, it will be difficult to escape. Dino sits down and starts pulling at the rope, but it seems to be too tight around his ankles. Dino tries to untangle the knot, but he ends up with no progress and hurt hands. Dino lets his head hang down while tears roll down his cheeks. He truly messed up this time, Scoups is going to die and it will be his fault.

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