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"I'm not actually a... human, by the way." Aimsey said nonchalantly, as though this confession were an easy thing to say, something he said all the time, like how his hair was the darkest auburn or his shirt a striped thing, but his bright red eyes darted nervously around their surroundings, avoiding the alien's own teal ones.

"I know!" Guqqie responded happily, an open smile stretching her face, eyes lighting up. It was clear she had known for many weeks beforehand, maybe even since meeting the prince, and was very pleased to hear him confess on his own terms. "You're blue!" She added, as though that was the simple giveaway of his identity. A crab peaked out of the floor, and seeing the two, quickly ducked back into the sandy floors.

"Oh. But you're not mad at me for lying to you?" He asked, tucking a strand of hair behind his large pointed ears.

"No, silly. I've figured out that you're a demon... but if that is wrong I apologise for assuming."

"I am... that." Aimsey nodded, their eyes suddenly very interested in examining each grain of sand. "But I'm not the usual kind. I don't hurt people." The beach beneath their feet gently moved out of the way of their presence, as if fearing the potential of the demon's wrath. The lights inside of Bikini Bottom's homes went out as the sun stretched its final bit of rays before hiding from the moon. "What a pretty sunset."

"You remind me of someone I used to know, maybe in a past life. They were like you, with the sunsets and all that." Guq chuckled lightly, nodding their head toward the darkened sky.

The demon prince let out a thoughtful hum, entertaining the idea of multiple lives. His own skin would never fade, as demons are mostly immortal creatures, and no one would ever dare to touch him. But another life with the alien, perhaps as a human duo instead was tempting. They could grow old together. He could die someday. Death was peaceful.

"Do you think we're friends in every universe?" Guqqie asked, and just as unanticipated as the question came about, Aimsey's hand was swiftly on Guqqie's, wrapping their fingers together gently.

"I don't know... I hope so." They reply, just above a whisper.

"You're very warm."

"Demon blood is hotter than lava." Aimsey explained, hoping this was something their friend would be able to use in some research of her's.

"You're hotter than lava."



Aimee and Michela approach the overgrown and damaged portal after a short trek through the flower-dotted field, the same one the demon came through as a child. The duo followed the stone pebble path until they heard the faint sounds of enderspeak, and the low purr of an interdimensional doorway. The portal was old, and made the old fashioned way - a 2 by 4 foot rectangle of compressed obsidian, held up with structurally chosen cobblestone corners. The grass around it was mostly untouched, and reached waist height on Aimsey (knee height for Michela). Vines wrapped the arms of the portal, twisting and turning in every direction, but never nearing the purple haze that would burn the plant to a crisp on impact. Sparks flew off of the lavender portal, neatly hitting the eldest demon prince, leaving not a scratch on his fiery skin as he stood with perfect posture in front of the portal, expecting their attendance.

"Hello." He said. His Scottish accent, clean-pressed clothes and haughty attitude introduced himself to the friends.

"Hello, Scott." Aimsey replied, rolling her eyes. No matter how scared she was, it was out of the question to show any fear around her brother. He had a trick for manipulating any weaknesses into something useful to his secretive plans. "What are you doing here? Isn't the Overworld beneath you? Well, not literally, more of a figurative-or metaphorical?-sort of underneath, you know, like-"

"I missed you." Scott interrupted, with a warm smile and a delicate tilt of his head. It took a moment for Michela's hearty laughter to knock her to the floor. 

A/N: hi chat!!! pls comment and vote if you'd like to, it means a lot to me and I love to hear from u guys about what u think of the story! <3 

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