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"I think I'm going to start a bewsniz!" Guqqie starts, trailing off her sentence with a confused frown.

"Business." Aimsey corrects, nodding encouragingly. They quickly stop and shake the comforting smile from their face off, thinking of what their family back home would say, seeing demon royalty looking happy. Disgusting. Guqqie, on the other hand, quickly lights up and continues her speech with a smile.

"Yes! Business. I want to make one of those. That's what humans do when they need money, right?" Aimsey nods, making sure to keep a somewhat annoyed expression. "And I, of course, need money. I'm a human girl who just travelled a long distance to new lands and need to fix my starcraf- car. I need to fix my car so that I can go home again... since I like my home."

"Right. Well, you get on that then." Aims rolls his eyes and walks off, immediately walking off the scene. They never got to see the sad pout that appeared on the alien's face at their departure.

"Oli, we need to start a potion business. Are you in?" Aimsey calls hurriedly from afar. Oli turns around, a bemused smirk tugging the corner of his lips. He puts down his gardening hoe and the seeds he was planting, dusting off the soil from his knees.

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"Perfect." Aimsey nods, leading their new business partner around, "So I'm thinking we steal-"


"We steal everyone's brewing stands so they'll have to come to us to get their potions. Of course I don't really know how to make a potion, but how hard can it be? Little nether wart, little blaze powder, little je ne sais quoi... easy peasy!" She finishes, reaching her hand out to accept a fist bump.

Oli's fist taps her's back, "Lemon squeezy!" The duo share a light laugh, and split up to start their new project. 

A/N: sorry these chapters are so short!! ive been busy and didn't want to leave you guys without anything new for too long :-( would you rather have longer chapters with more time between updates? let me know 

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