2 °○° Fate

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| Ep 3 : The Devil Fruit |


The Grand Line
New World
Location: Seven Fathoms


After the ambush on the World Government's ship, the Black Pearl raced across the sea at full sail and reached Seven Fathoms by the fifth day. It took them fighting off a Sea King and braving a rogue storm to get there but they made it. Just like Jack promised.

As the sun began to rise, the beautiful black ship glided into the East port which was hidden in a cove. Sorin's ship, the Obsidian Dawn, could be seen parked on the left side of the dock with a few of his crewmates watching over it.

Jack stood on the edge of his ship with the chest secured under his left arm. He wore a serious expression as the Pearl pulled alongside the right side of the dock, then once he deemed it close enough, he stepped off his ship and onto the dock then continued walking like nothing happened. He knew exactly where his son was located and he didn't want to dilly dally in saving his daughter-in-law and grandchild's life.

None of Sorin's crewmates yelled or tried to get the elder Sparrow's attention. They simply watched as he knowingly marched onto their ship in the direction of their Captain.

With confident steps, Jack walked up the plank, across the deck, and into the cabin area. He didn't even have to pull out his compass to lead him to his son. He just knew. And after turning corners and walking down halls, he found himself in front of the infirmary. . .

And in front of his son.

Sorin stood in front of the door with his arms crossed and head lowered. However, as soon as he sensed his father, he slowly looked up. His sharp eyes were half visible beneath the rim of his hat, yet they conveyed more emotion than Jack had ever seen.

Wordlessly, the two stood frozen studying each other.

Jack thought he arrived too late.

But that wasn't the case.

"You made it." Sorin greeted.

Jack relaxed and returned a small cheeky smile.

"Of course. I'm Cap'n Jack D Sparrow."

Sorin shook his head at his father's antics then crossed the distance between them. He clamped a firm hand onto his shoulder and his father did the same; it was their form of a hug. Then Sorin backed up and looked at the chest under Jack's arm with a questioning brow.

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