× Lennox ×

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"She could be hungry

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"She could be hungry." My minion suggested, following behind me as he held a clipboard and pen. He was quite shorter than me and very young, I believe he's old enough to be in high school. I don't know why I hired him.

"Perhaps I could make her some breakfast! Like cereal or a banana." His puppy behavior made it hard for me to get mad at him. He felt like the little brother I never had and never wanted but unfortunately got. I glance over my shoulder to look at him, slightly amused.

"Make a banana?" I ask noticing how he stopped for a moment and quickly caught up with me, almost tripping over his own two feet.

"I can't make waffles or pancakes, so I settled with a banana." He wasn't the brightest but he sure was the sweetest boy. He's only 16 years old and lives with his alcoholic father and absent mother. Why did I hire him? Because I knew in a world like his, he was the loneliest kid.

No appropriate guardian.

No proper clothing.

No food.

No love but he still finds it in his heart to put others before himself. He still manages to be kind to those who have screwed with him.

I chuckle at his comment because he was telling the truth. He can't cook but he'll try and think of ways to impress me, even if it was a burnt pancake sitting on my plate. "I need you to watch Angelica tonight, I get the feeling she might try and escape."

"Oh, sorry boss, I'd love to but I have a date to the prom this afternoon," He announced, adjusting his glasses. "I'm going with this amazing girl. She's the sweetest girl I've ever encountered." He continued to talk about the girl I had no interest in. If he couldn't watch Angelica then I would have to do it myself. I don't mind but I don't want her questioning me about why she's here and if I'll kill her. If she asked me that question one more time, I would kill her.

"That's alright, just remember my rule-"

"Yes, I know, boss. I only have 3 passes when it comes to skipping work." He said mockingly, his brown eyes looking up at me. He hugs me but I stand there, not returning it. He lets go and announces his goodbye before leaving.

I scoff and continue my journey to the room in which my hostage was in. I hum softly and finally stood before the two large black doors towering over me. I placed my hands on the golden handles and swung the doors open before taking a step forward then another.

I walk over to the glass box in the center of the room and see the trapped inside woman sitting on the bed and staring at the light that shone above the box, producing light for her.

"Angelica," I say, my voice filling the room. She looks at me and glares, her dark brown eyes didn't dare to move from mine.

I take a few steps closer and find myself right in front of the glass. I lean in closer to the glass to look down at the stiff young woman, a twisted smile on my face as I continue to taunt her. She glared back at me, defiance burning in her eyes despite her fear.

"Why do you think he chose the city over you?" I ask a hint of amusement in my voice.

"He didn't choose the city over me," She spat back. "He chose to protect it and its people. He's a hero, unlike you."

I chuckle, the sound causing her to flinch a bit. "Ah, but a hero's duty can be a heavy burden. And sometimes, they have to make difficult choices. Choices that may go against what their heart truly desires."

Her heart constricted at my words, a painful reminder of the painful conversation she had witnessed with her own eyes with her fiancee before he left after answering my question with a quick response. She had thought he'd be back, but I knew she had a bit of doubt that lingered in her mind.

"Does your fiancee love you, my dear?" I ask, studying her closely.

She hesitated before answering, her heart probably aching at the thought of him not loving her enough to stay. "I...I believe he does."

"And do you love him?"

Tears stung her eyes as she looked away, unable to meet my gaze. "More than anything," she whispered.

I chuckle again, my eyes glinting with a mix of amusement and malice. "How disappointing. To have such love for each other, and yet be torn apart by duty and obligation. It's a tragic tale, is it not?"

The young woman's eyes widened at my words, her fears and doubts now confirmed. She couldn't deny the love she had for her fiancee, but perhaps I was right. Perhaps their love wasn't enough to overcome the challenges they faced.

But she refused to give in to despair. "Love doesn't always mean being together," She said, her voice trembling but determined. "Sometimes it means sacrificing for the greater good."

My smile faltered for a moment before I shook my head, a look of pity on my face. "Such foolish notions. But perhaps you're right. Perhaps you can find solace in your supposed heroism."

With that, I backed away from the glass and walked away, leaving the young woman to her thoughts and fears. But deep down, I could feel she held on to hope that her love and her hero would ultimately triumph over the darkness that threatened to tear them apart.

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