Chapter 2: Weird Science

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Izuku Yagi was feeling all sorts of different emotions at this point in time. Joy that he got offered a job, even if it was for a small company, sadness that the rent had gone up, and slight annoyance that he could not get a proper sleep like always. But the newest emotions amongst the pile was...  surprise, and embarrassment, as he saw a blonde girl with red glasses, who was significantly shorter than him standing with the land lord.

"Wait... What?"

"It's like I said, Mr. Yagi. You've got yourself a room mate now."

"But... I only put up the notice yesterday. How did you find one so quickly?"

"Don't ask me. This young lady here asked for any available room, regardless of whether someone was occupying it or not. And, since your apartment was the only one available to those circumstances, I figured it would be best to inform you."


"Don't worry young man. Besides... Being room mates with a girl shouldn't be a bad thing, should it? It could spark something great between you."

"Well I-"

"Great! Then I'll be back soon. Gotta grab her bags and all."

Izuku began to sweat beads, while his face began to turn red. He had never really been left alone with a woman before, so this was trouble for our green haired protagonist, who nervously went to grab his bag from the table behind him.

"Well... I'm sorry to leave you so quickly... But I have an important job to go to, so... Make yourself comfortable in the mean time. I'll probably be back in eight hours."


As Izuku made his way out of the apartment, the blonde woman looked around the apartment, seeing the large living room set up and began to lie on the couch.

"Mr. Yagi... I wonder, if he's related to Uncle Might."

Izuku frantically began to make his way out of the apartment complex, running towards the nearest bus stop, hyperventilating while leaning against the pole behind him.

"Man, that was scary. I knew it was a fifty fifty chance, but still. I don't know if I can handle having a girl as my room mate. But I do admit... She was very pretty. Crap, I forgot to introduce myself to her and ask her for her name." He finished with annoyance in his voice. "Oh well. I should ask her once I get back."

After boarding the train and making his way to the address on the car, he see's what looks to be a two large brick buildings connected to each other in front of him, with a fire exit on the side of it. 

He made his way up to the top, using the fire exit as a pathway and eventually came across a single door that lead into the interconnected building. He knocked on the door and waited about seven seconds before the door finally opened.

"Ahh, Yagi. You're here."

"Yeah, sorry I'm late, my land lord held me up for something important."

"On the contrary. You're on time."

"Huh? But I'm thirty minutes late."

"My father doesn't really believe in stuff like being late and early. The world is full of things that cause disruption to our daily lives, so he believes it best to allow a person to come in whenever they feel like it."

"Okay... but won't that encourage people to just be lazy?"

"Perhaps, but if they are lazy when working here, they will be punished accordingly."

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