Chapter 7: Dating 101

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Izuku swung through the city, feeling the cool breeze brush through his body before ultimately stopping at his apartment window. He was careful to open the window to ensure he did not wake up Melissa, otherwise, she would assume he was some petty thief.

It took some time to silently close the window without causing any sort of noise, but in the end, he managed to get home, and immediately took off his costume, before going to bed. But what Izuku did not expect, was the immediate pain he would feel upon doing so. 

All the battle damage he had accumulated during this fight had finally begun to take an effect due to the adrenaline in his body. He wanted to desperately cry out, but he couldn't. Should he let out even one sound, things were bound to happen, and Melissa would discover his recent antics.

Sure enough, the pain did begin to subside. In fact, the pain seemingly was going away rather quickly. How it was that this occurred, even Izuku did not know. He was just thankful that he could get a peaceful nights sleep. After a long nights sleep, Izuku got up, feeling rather energised and headed to the kitchen.


"Huh? Oh hey, Melissa. What's up?"

"Oh, sorry. I must be seeing things, since I don't have my glasses. But why does it look like you have all black hair?"

"Huh? Black hair?"

He quickly went to the bathroom and looked at himself in the mirror, where he saw his normal green hair.

"I uh... guess you must've been seeing things."

After fixing up his hair a bit, he went to the kitchen, and grabbed a whole block of chocolate from inside, much to Melissa's surprise.

"Izuku, you do know chocolate is a snack, not a breakfast item."

"Huh?" He said in confusion. "What the?"

"Well, when you're done waking up, I'll make you something a bit more healthy."

"Oh, thanks."

He put away the chocolate back in the cupboard, before heading over to the dining room.

"So Izuku. I'm surprised you aren't at work today. Usually, you would've been gone by now?"

"I was... told to take a few days off. Apparently Mikumo needs the lab to himself for something he's been working on." He said, hoping it was a convincing lie.

"I see." She responded. "So that means you're free today?"

"Yeah, pretty much. Why do you ask?"

"I need to get a couple of things done today, and since you're free, I was wondering if you'd like to help me."

Izuku contemplated on this offer for a short bit, before looking out the window. While he would just like to laze around, the thought of leave Melissa on her own didn't really bode well with the young man. Especially with how much crime has been happening.

"Well, I have been meaning to get more fresh air. So why not."

"Great! Then I'll get changed into some fresh clothes."

"Okay, I'll do the same."

The two go off into their rooms, and get changed into some clothes they deemed fit as "fresh". For Izuku, it was a simple plain white T-shirt with the word "T-shirt" written on the front, with a pair of plain blue jeans and his iconic red shoes, while for Melissa, she put on a rather stylish yellow dress, and a pair of white heels. After the two exited their rooms, Izuku was rather surprised by the outfit Melissa was wearing. 

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