Chapter 4: A Path to the Abyss

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Seconds turned into minutes, and minutes turned into hours, and all Izuku could care about was getting to the hospital as quick as possible. He didn't care if he run into a street pole or anyone on the sidewalk, he was going to get to that hospital, and he was going to figure out who it was that attacked his mother.

After running for about an hour, he approached the front desk of the hospital, frantically taking breaths until he could regain his focus.

"Sir, are you alright?" The nurse asked him.

"Where... is my mother?" He said in between breaths. "Where... is Inko Yagi?!"

"Uh... down the hall sir. Room fifteen." She said in worry. "But you won't be able to visit her. She's in surgery-"

However, Izuku ignored the nurse and began sprinting down the hall, trying to avoid any collision with any of the doctors and nurses.

"Hey, stop running!!" One of the doctors yelled out.

But Izuku didn't care what the doctor said. Pure adrenaline and worry was all that clouded his mind. Eventually, he arrived at the outside of the room, where a small group of people were standing outside. His father, his sister, that Todoroki guy he met before, some guy in what looked like a knights outfit, and the detective he spoke with on the phone.

"Mr. Yagi." He spoke.

"You. You're the detective I spoke with on the phone, right? Tell me, who shot my mum? Is she going to be okay? Have you started an investiga-"

"Mr. Yagi, I need you to calm down. I know this is a lot to bear, but I need you to be in the right head space."

"Okay... okay... sorry." He said catching his breath once more.

"That's fine Mr. Yagi. It's understandable that you would be like this." The armoured man spoke.

This caused a bit of confusion to Izuku. He hadn't seen this hero before despite seeming to have a close connection between his sister and her boyfriend. But he had no time to ask who he was. All he was concerned about was his mother.

"So... who exactly shot my mother?"

"I'm afraid we don't have a clear idea as to who it could be. So far we're waiting on the surgeons to extract the bullet and hopefully stop any damage done to her. All we can do is wait."

Izuku begrudgingly sat on a chair positioned near the wall, his eyes fixated on the ground while his leg began to move on it's own, likely as a result of Izuku's worry. However, upon seeing the red light above the room go out, he stands up from his seat, giving his full attention to the emerging doctor, who had a somber look on his face.

"I'm... sorry." The doctor muttered. "There's... nothing we can do."

The father and daughter gasped slightly, with Izumi covering her eyes with her hands before walking over to her father and burying her head into his shoulder. But Izuku made no such reaction. Time seemed to almost pause for him, as the pupils in his eyes dilated in silent shock.

"The two bullets passed through her Coronary Arteries. While we we able to get the bullets out and repair some of the tissue, I'm afraid the damage was too severe. We would ask recovery girl or Eraser Heads child to come and fix her, but given the amount of time she has left they won't make it here on time." The doctor tells them. "The best thing I can advise is... to say your goodbyes."

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