Chapter 5: Sparks of Vengeance

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Some time had passed, and Izuku was tired. As expected if one had not gone to sleep for about three nights. But where most would fall victim to exhaustion, Izuku persisted in his mission of vengeance. Wearing nothing but a green hoodie, black jeans and a pair of white shoes, Izuku walked through the city streets before approaching a large building nearby. The police station.

If he wanted to get the information he wanted, then he couldn't just walk in and just demand the info. He had to be smart about it. Walking over to the side of the building, he placed a small device on the ground, and quickly activated via a small remote in his hand.

Erecting out of the device, eight small legs sprouted out, before it began to crawl on the ground, scanning the building beside it, before roaming over to a small vent nearby.

"Alright, time to see how this little guy goes."

The drone begins to scuttle through the vents, with all the sounds and surroundings being recorded in real time. Izuku, who is currently sitting on a nearby park bench, watches his phone with intense focus before seeing Tsukauchi in his view.

"Sir, with all due respect, it's an undeniable fact that she is alive." He said into the phone.

"Detective Tsukauchi, with all due respect, there's no possible way that Lady Nagant is alive."

"But we have a bullet as a sample. Her quirk gave her the ability to turn her hair into makeshift bullets, you can't possibly say that she's dead after you've seen it for yourself."

"Like I tried to reiterate to you detective. Lady Nagant has been dead for over five years, and her body was cremated, how can she possibly be alive?"

"I'm not sure. You tell me." Tsukauchi responded.

Izuku, who had managed to hack the phone call via a program he made in tandem with the spider shaped drone, was staring off into space, likely a result of him not getting any sleep, and the revelation that the identity of his mum's killer, was some dead hero, turned villain. His daze would continue to grow more serious, as it took the combined effort of three hours of time passing, and Mikumo trying to catch his attention to break him from his trance.

"Oi, Yagi."

"Uh, huh?"

"You stopped drawing. Is something the matter?"

Izuku hesitated slightly. "Oh uh, no, sorry boss. I just haven't been getting enough sleep lately."

"I see."

"Don't worry, Mikumo. It won't happen again."

"Whatever you say."

Izuku continued to draw on his sketch book any possible ideas for inventions for Mikumo and Hisashi to invest in. But something in the back of his mind prevented him from doing so. Almost as if curiosity had decided to pilot the vessel that was Izuku's body. He had one question to ask Mikumo, and he wouldn't be able to continue until he got said answer.

"Hey, Mikumo." Izuku muttered.

"Hm? Whats up, Yagi?"

"By any chance... have you ever heard of someone named... Lady Nagant?"

Mikumo paused for a moment before answering. "Lady Nagant? Oh yeah. She was that villain who died in an explosion many years back while working for All For One. What about her?"

"Do- Do you think someone could be out there... using her quirk to kill people?"

Mikumo thought on this answer for quite a while, he wanted to give an answer that didn't cause Izuku trouble, but... he had to be honest with him.

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