Chapter 3: The Canon Event Begins

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Izuku at this moment in time was only feeling one thing, panic. His body had changed dramatically as a result of Mikumo's machine, but these other changes had frightened him extremely. Talons, his messed up eye sight, and... he also felt a pair of sharp fangs upon closer inspection of his teeth. But those things paled in comparison to what his now room mate would think if she saw him like this.

"Uh, yeah, everything's fine, Melissa. Just trying to get ready for work today."

"But... the lights to the bathroom are off. How will you see?"

"Oh, uh... well... I just need to adjust my eyes before I turn on the light. Don't want to accidentally blind myself."

"Well, I guess that makes sense. Anyway, I just want to let you know that I'm gonna go get groceries. Anything you need?"

"No-No I'm good."

"Okay. Just message me when something comes to mind."

"Sure thing Melissa."

After many footsteps and the door opening and closing, Izuku opens the door to the bathroom, and scopes the place out to see if it is clear for him to exit.

"Okay good, she's gone. But... that begs the question. How am I gonna get to work with these changes?"

He looks around his apartment, looking at the various pieces of clothing in his closet, before finding something to settle on.

"Perfect." He mutters.

After sometime, we are taken to the lab once more, where we see Mikumo working on some other device that his father had gotten him to complete. It's current design was rather crude and didn't offer much success in term of function, often sparking out due to a miscalculation or due to various software failures. However, Mikumo's annoyance would soon stagnate when the door to the lab opens.

"Is that you Yagi?" Mikumo says not turning his head to the door.

"Yeah, it's me."

"That's good. Today is gonna be a slow day, but I appreciate you coming her-"

Upon turning his head to Izuku, he is rather confused by the accessories Izuku was seen wearing. A mask to cover his face, thick tinted sunglasses, and a pair of leather gloves were what he saw, and for one reason or another, he couldn't help but wonder why Izuku was wearing such things.

"Izuku, what's with those accessories you're wearing?"

"Huh? Oh, well I may have gotten a case of the common cold. I didn't want to cause trouble, or accidentally infect you, so I figured I'd wear a mask and glove to keep my germs from spreading."

"Sounds fair. But last time I checked sunglasses aren't exactly known for blocking the common cold."

"Well, I-"

"Come on Yagi. Take that stuff off. I promise you can trust me."

Izuku hesitantly complied with Mikumo, and began to remove the accessories he was wearing. Upon doing so, Mikumo's eyes widened in surprise. He knew Izuku had changed given the height increase, but he never expected changes such as talons, fangs and what appeared to be poor eye sight.

"Yagi... what happened to you? Why do you have talons? What's wrong with your eyes?"

"Well, your machine worked. I ended up getting to my physical peak. But, something happened during the process. A spider was inside it while it was altering my DNA, it ended up biting me just before it finished, and after a while... this happened."

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