Chapter 8: Tartarus Interrogation

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Days had passed since Izuku's practice date fiasco with Melissa, and right now he was feeling motivated to go to work. Despite the awkwardness after the fact, given how strange the idea of a practice date was, nothing changed between the two. They simply continued their routine, and lived as room mates. But this wasn't the time to think about that. Izuku had to get to work, as he took way too much time off in his opinion.

After getting to the office, Izuku placed his stuff on his desk before heading over to Mikumo's office. But as he walked in, he noticed several different things have changed about the office compared to a few days ago. Several newspaper clippings were on the wall, and a couple of pictures placed on a white board at the back of the room, all while the man himself, was working on the machine, trying to implement a reverse function to ensure Izuku's spider-like mutation could be reversed.

"Uhh... Mikumo?" Izuku said blankly.

"Ahh, Yagi. You're here. Good. I have some news about our little run in with that yet to be named supervillain a few days ago."

"Hold on, you did all of this in three days?"

"Well... if you wanna get technical, I pulled an all-nighter on the first day, continued to add a reverse function on the machine, and well... I sort of lost track of time."

"Wait... so you haven't been to sleep since that warehouse encounter?! You're the one that told me to rest, why didn't you heed your own advice?!"

"We can worry about that later, right now, you need to hear me out."

Seeing no reason to argue with his boss, Izuku chose to grab a chair, and sit down to hear Mikumo's statement.

"Okay, back in the warehouse, you discovered that someone had been creating Nomu's. But before you could figure out anything, that strange man you fought found you and kicked your ass."

"Okay. But where are you going with thi-"

"Let me finish. Now, based on the public information I have found online, there were only two people that had the capability to create the Nomu, those being a man named Dr. Kyudai Garaki, and the villain known as All For One. But here's the thing, All For One died during the fight against the heroes a few years ago, and Dr. Garaki died a year after him."

"What's your point?" Izuku asked him.

"I'm saying unless the authorities missed something, it's highly possible that the league of villains still has someone continuing their plans!"

Izuku took in this information, feeling a slight shiver in his heart. He had heard about the events going on regarding the league of villains, specifically of it's leader. Tomura Shigaraki. Why it was that he chose to read about his story in high-school, even he did not know. But something about it genuinely made him curious.

"Mikumo. While it is possible that there may be an associate out there creating Nomu's, I find it highly improbably. Firstly, like those two, some of the league members have died either because of the war, injuries that they sustained as a result of said war, or by execution. Secondly, the only people who were members of league were only a part of the league for a short time. They wouldn't even have any information on the Nomu's."

"We do have one option." Mikumo mentions.


"There was one surviving member that you didn't take into account of. Shuichi Iguchi."

"The lizard guy?"

"The lizard guy." Mikumo confirms.

"Hold on, you want me to interrogate this villain about any members that may be on the loose?"

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