Chapter 6: Confrontation

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Izumi was feeling... a little lost right now. Despite her attempts at focusing on her career, something was nagging on her mind, or rather, someone. Izuku. For countless days, she had been trying desperately to try and speak to him, but there was one problem. She did not know where to find him.

During her few years in high school, she found out that not only did Izuku get his phone number changed, but that he also moved out, attempting to be independent from his parents. While she was initially proud of her brother, she soon found it frustrating, when she was never given the address to said place of residence.

So, for the next few, painfully long hours, she would zip from apartment block to apartment block, looking for any clues to Izuku's residency. This ended up mostly in failure, as either he wasn't in said buildings she went to, or that the residence merely hassled her for an autograph.

"Ugh, this sucks!" She spouted in annoyance. "So many apartment blocks, and not one has given me a clue on Izuku's whereabouts! Geez, how am I supposed to help him if I don't even know where he lives."

She began to divulge her desires on a burger she had bought during the search, enjoying the contents of it with glee. But something came up that would interrupt her meal. Izuku, again. Only it was the last thing he said to her during the funeral that she remembered. "Don't contact me, and don't even try to find where I live."

"Is this really the right thing to do? What if... me trying to find him will only push him away more." She thought to herself. 

But she was quickly distracted from these thoughts, when her communicator began to send off a silent alarm.

"This is Green Empress reporting."

"Ahh, thank you for picking up so quickly. We've received reports of a hostage situation going on in down town Hosu."

"Hosu, huh? All right, I'll try to get down there as quick as possible."

"Very good. Now, it's important to mention that you'll be teaming up with Explosion Murder God: Dynamight for this."

"Huh? Wait, he's here?"

"Yep, arrived in Japan a few days ago."

"I see. Very well, I'm going."

"Alright, sending location now."

"You better be behaved, Kacchan."

She zips across the sky, bursting through the wind, as she makes her way over to the site of the hostage situation. As she does so, she begins to hear screams in the background.

"Shots fired, shots fired. Two hostages down, I repeat, two hostages down."

"Crap, gotta hurry!!"

She increased her speed further and further, zooming faster than any vehicle below her, until she eventually reached the site of the situation. But to her surprise, the situation had been taken care of, as we see Katsuki Bakugo, or... better known as Explosion Murder God: Dynamight, was standing over the unconscious bodies of the ones responsible for this attack.

"Hey Izumi. It's been a while."

"Yeah... it certainly has."

While police officers began to convene at the scene, Katsuki approached Izumi with a rather awkward expression on his face.

"So... I see you took care of things here by yourself."

"Y-Yeah. These guys were starting to get trigger happy. So I was told to take them down as quickly as possible."

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