Chapter 27. Dragon No. 3

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Trudging along a dark hallway barely illuminated by the light of a small fireball I kept flickering a few steps in front of me, I could not help but wonder if this was truly a good idea. Maybe I should have taken some back-up with me. But then again, who would have I taken?

"I am pretty sure Ralph is not cut out for trekking through this mud," I muttered as I frowned at the grit covering the walls. "Soran is definitely out of the question and my little dwarf friend seemed too enamored with the library to even think of helping out."

"Grr," Totto seemed to be in agreement with me as he weaved his way in between my legs and I reached out to rub his back affectionately.

"That's right, it's just you and me, my loyal friend," I cooed at my demon hound which gave me a satisfying growl and then bounded ahead of me enthusiastically. "And it's not like I could have invited Elek to this trip. Oh, I am sure he would have been thrilled to come along on a mission to find a third dragon."

I sighed and then halted listening in. I thought I had heard a sound up ahead and, truthfully, I was tired of fighting already. Ever since I managed to blow up the golden door and entered the cave-like structure of the dragon mansion, I have been attacked left and right by vicious looking spiders, slimy slug-like creatures and even a few skeletons which seem to have taken residence here in the absence of the dragon. I even wondered if the dragon was even here. Surely, he'd try and clean up his house, right?

"Ugh," I sighed as I decided to simply trudge on and burn my way through any spiders or slugs that decided to come at me. In my ignorance and musings, however, I failed to notice the ground was covered in slippery viscous sludge and in another moment, my foot slipped and I found myself falling.

I let out a short scream as I fell hard on my butt and, oh just my luck, the floor seemed to be inclined downwards and with another yell I was soon gliding down the corridor all the way to the dark hallway ahead. I came to a stop a few moments later as the ground became level again. Breathing out in relief, I gave myself some time to moan and groan in pain and then slowly got up. My clothes were muddy, my legs were bruised and dirty and my arms had just gotten dirty too. Suave. This trip was turning out worse and worse by the minute.

It seemed like I was going to meet one of the last dragons remaining alive looking like some beggar. Ugh. Not that I cared, but hey, first impressions and all that shit.

Sighing, I patted down the dust and tried to at least get myself in some order but before I could, my danger sensor went all crazy and with utter disbelief I realized I was under attack again! How can I get attacked in a damn crypt of some forgotten dragon so bloody often?! Hadn't I fought off five spiders merely five minutes ago?

Despite my inner turmoil, I quickly rolled to my side just as one of the creepiest skeletons I had ever seen sliced at me with its sword.

"NOOOOO!!! GET AWAY FROM ME, GET AWAY FROM ME!!!!" I screamed as I turned around to get some distance in between us but realized the slide I had slipped down recently was too steep and too slippery. Frustrated, I let fire reign free but it missed my intended target and hit one of the walls instead.

The groaning skeleton swung his sword at me and, perhaps, I would have been a gonner, if not for Totto. My most loyal friend had materialized from shadows and soon I heard the distinct sound of its teeth crunch a bone. The sword missed me by mere centimeters and I rolled on my back, immediately sending another bout of flames of fiery fire at the skeleton.

This time I hit my target and considering my current level and the powers from the dragon, my fire magic was soaring level-vise. The skeleton did not stand a chance and soon fell to pieces in front of my eyes. Totto was still holding onto its leg and the bone stayed between its teeth. Ok, so perhaps him saving my ass had nothing to do with loyalty. More like, attraction to bones...

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⏰ Last updated: 5 days ago ⏰

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