Chapter 5: Yu's Talent

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"So, he can use ninjutsu at such a young age?"

"Yu is truly a genius!"

Seeing Yu in front of them, who could already use the healing jutsu at such a young age, the two girls, Maya and Momoka, had hearts practically bursting with admiration.

"You know..."

"Even the official medical ninjas in the village can't do this!"

The children in this world... They mature so early...

Sensing the hearts filled with admiration from the two girls beside him, Yu couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth. He hadn't expected to gain two little admirers so quickly.

"But why does this white-haired kid look so familiar?"

His gaze returned to the silver-gray-haired child in front of him, who was steadily recovering under Yu's healing jutsu. Yu furrowed his brow slightly.

Looking at the child with silver-gray hair in front of him, gradually waking up under Yu's healing jutsu, Yu couldn't shake the feeling that he had seen him somewhere before.

But it was like there was a missing piece of the puzzle, and Yu couldn't quite recall it, so he didn't dwell on it and continued to focus on treating the child.

"It's been only a year since he was brought back from that battlefield and started following me."

"Not only has he successfully refined chakra but he also learned healing jutsu on his own."

Watching Yu perform the healing jutsu on the small, frail figure, his silver-gray hair gradually being restored, Yakushi Nono stood in place, seemingly lost in thought. "This child's talent in ninjutsu... it's truly astonishing."

"And the effectiveness of this technique..."

Looking at the silver-gray-haired child before her who was gradually waking up under Yu's healing jutsu, Yakushi Nono couldn't help but express her amazement.

Healing jutsu involved concentrating chakra in one's palm and directing it at the target to achieve a healing effect. Throughout the entire Leaf Village, those who could use healing jutsu were primarily the official medical ninjas of the Leaf Medical Corps. This was because it not only required mastery of the technique but also a level of chakra control beyond that of an ordinary person.

Yet Yu, at the tender age of five, had managed to achieve this in just a year of training.

Such talent and ability.

Even Yakushi Nono, who had executed espionage missions in various countries of the ninja world in the past, admitted that she had never seen anything like it.

Looking at Yu in front of her, Yakushi Nono's memory seemed to return to a year ago, when she had first seen Yu on the battlefield where the Fire Country's Leaf Ninja had suffered a defeat at the hands of the Wind Country's Sand Ninja.

Yu's appearance had been completely different from the other war orphans, who cried and screamed. The first time Yakushi Nono saw Yu, although the child's face had been smeared with a little blood, his amber eyes were calm and composed, even with a hint of curiosity.

He resembled a newborn baby in this world, and Yakushi Nono remembered him at first glance because of his pale hair, as bright as moonlight.

"I am the director of the Leaf Orphanage, Yakushi Nono. What is your name?"

"I don't have a name."

"Then—let me give you a name. How about calling you 'Yakushi Tetsubari'? Or 'Yakushi Maru'? Or maybe 'Yakushi Shin'?"

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