Chapter 157: Neji's Determination

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"Thank you."

Afterwards, outside the meeting room of the Konoha Hyuga Clan, Hyuga Hiashi stood at the doorway and sincerely thanked Yu.

"Thank you? What are you thanking me for?"

Turning his head to look at Hyuga Hiashi, Yu revealed a meaningful smile as he gazed at the stern-faced leader of the Hyuga Clan.

Upon hearing Yu's words, Hyuga Hiashi was momentarily stunned but quickly reacted. He looked at the young boy before him and sighed, "Thank you for rescuing Hinata, and for saving Hizashi's life."

"Also, thank you for persuading Hokage-sama to prevent Konoha from compromising with Hidden Cloud, preserving the dignity of all of us as Konoha Ninja."

If it weren't for Yu's appearance today and his successful persuasion of the Third Hokage and the Konoha Ninja present, this Cloud Ninja incident would have had only two possible outcomes.

His daughter, Hyuga Hinata, the heir to the main family of the Hyuga Clan, would have been taken by the Cloud Ninja, and the Byakugan Kekkei Genkai would have fallen into the hands of Hidden Cloud. Alternatively, his younger brother, Hyuga Hizashi, would have become a sacrificial lamb, handed over by the Konoha Elders and the Hyuga Clan's head elders as a sacrifice for peace and interests.

Therefore, even the stern and strict personality of Hyuga Hiashi genuinely harbored gratitude towards Yu in this matter.

"Hiashi-sama, you are too kind..."

"I did this not only for you but also for myself."

Facing the gratitude of the head of the oldest and most prestigious clan in Konoha, the Hyuga Clan, Yu smiled faintly. His gaze fell on Hinata, who was still sleeping peacefully in Hiashi's arms, and his lips curled slightly. "Besides... your daughter, Miss Hinata, is really adorable..."

Hinata, huh...

Seeing Yu express such fondness for his daughter Hinata, Hiashi subconsciously lowered his head to look at the peacefully sleeping Hinata in his arms, and a hint of a smile appeared on his stern face.

"Neji, come and thank Yu-sama."

At this moment, Hyuga Hizashi, accompanied by a small boy of about four or five years old with pure white eyes and black long hair, walked over.


Noticing the slightly timid expression of the young Hyuga Clan boy who followed Hyuga Hizashi, Yu's gaze flickered, immediately recognizing his identity.

Hyuga Neji—the only Ninja among Konoha's famous twelve who perished in the anime, and also the first to become a Jonin solely through his own strength, earning him the title of a genius Ninja among the twelve.

"Th... Thank you, Yu-sama."

Approaching Yu alongside his father, Hyuga Neji, with his curious white eyes, looked at the handsome white-haired elder brother before him.

Although he, being young, did not fully comprehend what had happened today, the young Neji still timidly expressed his gratitude.

"Yu-sama, if it weren't for you today..."

"I would surely have become Hiashi-sama's substitution. It's an inevitable fate for a Ninja from the Hyuga branch family."

Standing before Yu, Hyuga Hizashi, who looked almost identical to his elder brother Hiashi, spoke with an expression that conveyed a sorrow and gloominess not present in Hiashi.


Yu remained silent. The harsh system of the Ninja world was something he had understood from the beginning when he arrived. That's why, upon crossing over, he had diligently trained. For what purpose? To break free from such a fate and not be controlled by anyone.

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