Chapter 179: Birdcage

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Ursus Shock: Air Bullet!!

Ignoring the insane laughter coming from the mouth of the Eight-Headed Serpent. Tyrant behind Yu had already condensed a highly compressed sphere of white air energy between its bear-like paws.


After hitting the central giant snakehead, Ursus Shock: Air Bullet. The compressed air energy sphere exploded violently.

Like an atomic bomb, the intense and enormous energy shockwave instantly blew up the middle snake head along with the adjacent one, turning them into a rain of blood on the spot.


In the blink of an eye, five huge snakeheads were blasted, and the remaining three giant snakes emitted a painful roar.

"Damn, I didn't expect you to have such a move... Can't underestimate you," Orochimaru said.

In an instant, after Yu blew up six snake heads, Orochimaru actually emerged from the mouth of another giant snake nearby, with a crazed and sinister smile on his face, "But it's useless. My Eight Branches Jutsu is indestructible; they can constantly regenerate..."

"Such troublesome Ninjutsu..."

Indeed, as Orochimaru said, Yu could see that the six snake heads blasted by Tyrant were slowly recovering.

Unlike the anime character Uchiha Itachi, who had the legendary weapon, the Totsuka Blade, to instantly seal the Eight-Headed Serpent, Yu didn't possess such a mythological tool.

"Ice Burst: Pheasant Beak!!"

With a somewhat skeptical mindset, Yu manipulated the ground beneath him, and Toshogun punched fiercely.

The power of freezing erupted as a giant ice bird hit the Eight-Headed Serpent. The force of the frozen and condensed power, combined with the explosion, directly shattered two huge snake heads. However, the previous six snake heads of the Eight-Headed Serpent had completely regenerated.

"You stubborn little brat, die!!"

Orochimaru, seemingly angered by Yu's powerful attack, controlled the remaining six snake heads to aggressively bite Yu.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Facing the six ferociously biting snake heads of the Eight-Headed Serpent, Michael behind Yu instantly erected a massive Barrier Arc, firmly blocking all the impactful attacks in front of him.

The enormously colossal Eight-Headed Serpent moved within the frozen forest, continuously smashing the ground, and creating massive craters with its eight tails. The splattering rocks stung the faces of both Haku and Kimimaro.


Seeing the enormous arc-shaped barrier erected by Michael actually withstand all the attacks from the Eight-Headed Serpent, Orochimaru's gaze couldn't help but narrow. However, his face quickly revealed a wicked smile again, "Now let's see how you'll defend! Hahaha..."

Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh!!

Accompanied by Orochimaru's maniacal laughter, he controlled the fully regenerated eight snake heads of the Eight-Headed Serpent. They opened their menacingly sharp mouths, bypassing the massive Barrier Arc erected by Michael, attacking Yu from various angles—top, bottom, left, and right.

'This won't work for much longer...'

Unexpectedly, Orochimaru in his peak state was much stronger than imagined. This level of power was nearing that of a super Kage...

Facing the colossal snake heads of the Eight-Headed Serpent biting from all angles, Yu, who was in the sky, seemed to have no way to escape. However, Orochimaru's frenzied assault also stirred up a sense of determination within Yu.

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