Chapter 69: Pursuit by the Hidden Sand Forces

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Water Release: Hard Vortex Water Blade!!

Using Water Release in a desert-like area such as Sand is particularly challenging. However, under Yu's full force, the high-pressure water gun condensed in his hand still emitted an astonishing momentum.

"What is that... Water Release?!"

Seeing Yu, who was fleeing in the high sky, unexpectedly using Water Release in the desert, and moreover, the ultimate S-rank secret technique level of Water Release, Chiyo's expression froze.

"The nature and form of Chakra have reached that level?!"
"Who on earth is that little brat?!"

Even though the two sides were separated by over a hundred meters, all the Sand Ninjas present could clearly feel the waterfall-like sound of water flowing down from above.

"Bad news! Scatter!"

Sensing the formidable Ninjutsu in Yu's hands, at this moment, Fourth Kazekage Rasa's expression on his face changed drastically, immediately dispersing the surrounding Sand Ninjas.

"Earth Release: Earth Flow Rampart!!"
Simultaneously, both hands formed seals in an instant, pressing fiercely against the ground.
The earth continuously trembled, and in the blink of an eye, a row of immensely colossal earthen walls soared high into the air.

Apart from the Kekkei Genkai Magnet Release, Rasa was also a highly skilled Earth Release Ninja. Utilizing Earth Release to counter Water Release is an unchanging truth in the ninja world.


But in the next second, the high-pressure water gun in Yu's hands had already been thrown.
Midway through its trajectory, it suddenly disappeared, passing through the massive earthen wall created by Fourth Kazekage Rasa.

Then, it reappeared out of thin air, instantly enlarging into a colossal water tornado that seemed to connect heaven and earth, spanning tens of meters.
All the Sand Ninjas present only felt a deafening roar in their ears. Subsequently, their bodies ached, and then, before they knew it, they lost consciousness.

"To actually use this level of Water Release in the desert..."

"Damn it... We must find out who that kid really is!"

Staring at the rampant and overwhelming water tornado before them, it sucked in a group of Hidden Sand individuals along with the surrounding buildings, grinding them into pieces.

Suffering such immense losses inexplicably, the gloomy gaze of Fourth Kazekage Rasa seemed capable of dripping blood.

"Escaped... did he escape?"

"Facing Lord Kazekage and Lady Chiyo... as well as so many elite Sand Ninjas..."

As the dust settled and they looked at the vast field of corpses, the completely devastated Sand Village, and the disappearing figure of Yu in the sky, the young Sand Jonin Baki muttered in shock,

"When did someone like this appear in the ninja world..."
"Baki! Immediately organize a pursuit unit!!"

At this moment, Fourth Kazekage Rasa, with a dark expression, issued a stern order, "Even if you have to dig three feet into the ground, find that kid for me!"

"Absolutely cannot let him leave the Land of Wind with those two things!!"

Understanding the urgency of the situation, Baki immediately responded in a low voice and then, in an instant, his figure disappeared from the spot.

"We must retrieve him..."

"That kid didn't just take the Puppetry Scroll..."

Seeing Baki leave, Chiyo stood behind Rasa and muttered to herself. Her absent-minded gaze indicated that she was not calm at the moment.

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