Chapter 21: Senior Sister and Seniors

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"Oh right, I almost forgot."

Gradually approaching Inari, Yu seemed to suddenly remember something, and a devilish smile crept onto his lips.

"I told you last time, if there's a next time, I'll strike through your head with a single blow..."

After saying this, Yu's right index finger gently lifted, pointing at Inari's head as if it were a gun.

"N-No... Please don't kill me..."

Looking at Yu's finger pointed at his own head, Inari's expression had completely collapsed due to fear.

He could already imagine that if Yu executed this move, his head would undoubtedly be smashed like a watermelon.


With a mischievous glint in his eyes, Yu looked at Inari, who was about to wet his pants.

Suddenly, Yu intentionally made a gunshot-like sound with his mouth.

Immediately, Inari collapsed to the ground in front of him.

His eyes rolled back, and froth began to emerge from his mouth. He had actually fainted from fear due to Yu's intimidation!


"Tsk... Easily frightened."

"I wonder how such a guy is going to become a ninja in the future..."

Glancing at Inari, who had fainted in front of him, Yu disdainfully curled his lips and shifted his gaze to the Pineapple-haired boy standing next to him, who seemed completely stunned.

"By the way, I haven't asked for your name."

Since a while ago, Yu had been feeling like he had seen this kid somewhere before. However, he couldn't quite place it; something seemed off about his face.

"I-I... My name is Iruka, Iruka Umino..."

Seeing Yu's gaze fixed on him, the Pineapple-haired boy seemed to awaken from a dream, stuttering and barely able to complete a sentence.

Although he was three years younger than Yu, witnessing the extraordinary power Yu had just displayed left the Pineapple-haired boy astonished. He had never imagined that newcomers to the ninja school could achieve such a level.


So, it's him!

Upon hearing the Pineapple-haired boy utter his name, Yu suddenly realized.

It was because there was one less horizontal scar on his nose; that's why Yu couldn't recognize him right away.

Iruka Umino – the original series' Chunin teacher at the Leaf Village Ninja School, responsible for Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, and others.

He was also Naruto's first life mentor. His parents, who were Jonin Ninjas, had both died in the Nine-Tails attack.

Even though his abilities were average, he played a crucial role in Naruto Uzumaki's growth.

"Iruka, huh..."

Examining the Pineapple-haired boy named Iruka, Yu's delicate face couldn't help but reveal a hint of helplessness.

"Getting bullied by two ninja school students, you're quite useless, aren't you?"

Indeed, Iruka's parents were Jonin Ninjas from the Leaf Village.

However, in the original series, Iruka's abilities could only reach the level of a regular ninja school Chunin student. He couldn't even beat someone like Mizuki, who was also a Chunin student ninja.

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