Chapter 30: Chidori Shocks the village!

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"Come on! You're the best!"

"Show those guys what you're made of! You're the most talented kid in our orphanage!"

As Yu entered the training ground, he suddenly heard familiar voices from the crowd.


"Mai? Momoka? And..."

Turning his head, Yu saw that it was indeed Urushi, Mai, and some of their fellow orphans from Konoha's orphanage who had squeezed out from the crowd and were cheering loudly for him, raising their arms.

"Headmaster? You all came?!"

Not only that, Yu also spotted Yakushi Nono among the onlookers.

She was wearing the black-framed glasses he had given her yesterday, standing beside Urushi and the others, silently encouraging him with her eyes.

"You've got to do your best, Yu."

"Let all of Konoha, let everyone see your talent and abilities..."

Standing among the crowd, she stared closely at Yu, who was standing in the training ground.

Yakushi Nono clenched her hands tightly under her sleeves, revealing her unsettled emotions at the moment.

"Do your best."

When Yu passed by the proctor, Yu heard a quiet word of encouragement from Shinku Yuhi, the usually reserved and quiet proctor of his class.

After all, as the ninja instructor and class teacher for Yu's class, Shinku Yuhi had high expectations for Yu, who had shown remarkable strength and talent.

"No choice... I didn't expect the Headmaster and the others to be here..."

"It seems I'll have to take this a bit more seriously..."

At this moment, Yu felt the eyes of everyone in the area fixed on him.

Yu's lips curled into a faint smile, but his eyes began to emit a sharp gleam.

"That Uchiha kid from earlier did indeed impress, but I wonder how you'll perform."

Standing in front of Yu, there was a mature-looking genin with a fierce aura, exuding the presence of someone who had been on the battlefield.

"Hey, kid, I advise you to go back to school for a few more years!"

"Don't let the Uchiha kid's performance get to your head."

"He's a rare genius ninja from the Uchiha clan!"

Beside him, another genin with a scar on his face taunted Yu, clearly looking down on him.

"We've all been on the battlefield, and we're not like you, a kid who's never killed anyone. Don't cry if you wet your pants later, just go home and drink milk!"

Another genin with a cold expression directly stood next to him, taunting Yu with indifference.

"What a headache..."

"Do you guys know?"

Facing the mockery and disdain of the three genin in front of him, Yu suddenly spoke.


Hearing Yu's unexpected words, the expressions of the three genin in front of him visibly stiffened.

"Those who can't survive past one episode in the world of anime are often the most arrogant extras like you."

Gazing at the three genin in front of him, who he couldn't even be bothered to remember, Yu's lips curled into a scornful smile.

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